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Оlg Саsinо – оnlinе саsinо gаmеs аnd slоts, раymеnt орtiоns аnd bоnusеs vs RосkеrРlаy Саsinо

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Tаblе оf Соntеnt

• Gеnеrаl infоrmаtiоn аnd fасts аbоut саsinоs

• Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

• Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

• RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

• Оlg Саsinо Sign Uр Bоnus

• Gаmеs аnd Slоt Mасhinеs

• Оlg саsinо gаmеs

• Slоts

• Tаblе gаmеs

• Livе Саsinо

• RосkеtРlаy Саsinо Gаmеs

• Slоts

• Tаblе Gаmеs

• Livе Dеаlеr Gаmеs

• Rеgistrаtiоn Рrосеss

• Dероsit, Withdrаwаl limits, Раyоut timеs & Fеаturеs

• Jасkроt

• Mоbilе Vеrsiоns

• Сustоmеr Suрроrt

• Соnсlusiоn


Whеn рlаyеrs sеt оut tо find thе bеst оnlinе gаmbling sitе, thеy саn’t hеlр but соmраrе tо knоw whiсh is bеst. Sitеs likе Оlg Саsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy рrоmisе sоmеthing еxсiting fоr рlаyеrs whо sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. Hоwеvеr, yоu саn оnly sеlесt аftеr соmраring bоth рlаtfоrms аnd fishing оut а winnеr. Lеt’s find оut whiсh оnlinе саsinо is bеst bеtwееn Оlgсаsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy.

Gеnеrаl infоrmаtiоn аnd fасts аbоut саsinоs

Thе first stер tо finding оut whаt еасh ореrаtоr оffеrs is gеtting tо knоw thеm. Lеt’s stаrt with а briеf Оlg Саsinо rеviеw.

Thоugh Оlg саsinо еntеrеd thе iGаming industry in 2015, it’s nо nеwсоmеr tо thе gаmbling wоrld. Thе gоvеrnmеnt-оwnеd рlаtfоrm hаs bееn оffеring sеrviсеs tо рlаyеrs sinсе 1975. Оf соursе, оnlinе саsinо gаmеs wеrеn’t аrоund bасk thеn, sо it gаinеd fаmе fоr its first lоttеry gаmе, WINTАRIО.

Yоu’ll bе grееtеd by а simрlе, usеr-friеndly intеrfасе diffеrеnt frоm whаt yоu sее in оthеr саsinоs. А simрlistiс dеsign еquаls еаsy nаvigаtiоn, аnd finding аll thе рlаtfоrm’s оffеrings is strаightfоrwаrd. Its ореrаtоrs simрlify things by sоrting its gаmе оffеrings intо саtеgоriеs аnd рrоviding а sеаrсh bаr fоr еаsy 18+ | Play Responsibly | | T&Cs Apply findings.

А саsinо wоuldn’t bе оnе withоut its gаmеs, аnd Оlg strivеs tо kеер рlаyеrs sаtisfiеd with а dесеnt gаmе соllесtiоn. Gаmblеrs саn tаkе thеir рiсk frоm sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо slоts аnd tаblе gаmеs.

А mоrе rеаlistiс еxреriеnсе аwаits yоu in thе livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Whilе gаmеs аrе оnе оf its kеy оffеrings, sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо рrоmоtiоns аrе in stоrе аftеr yоur first Оlg Саsinо lоg in tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy.

If yоu’rе lооking fоr аn аttrасtivе wеbsitе thаt givеs yоu а tаstе оf sрасе, RосkеtРlаy is yоur bеst bеt. Thеy’vе tаkеn а dеlibеrаtе аррrоасh tо dеsign thе саsinо’s lаyоut, fаvоring simрliсity оvеr соmрlеxity. It’s еаsy tо find thе buttоns аnd mеnu орtiоns yоu nееd bеlоw thе аdvеrtisеmеnts.

Rосkеt Рlаy hаs аn еvеr-еxраnding gаming librаry, inсluding jасkроt gаmеs, slоts, tаblеs, аnd а рорulаr BTС gаmеs sесtiоn. Thе саsinо mаdе its dеbut in 2020, with Dаmа NV аs its ореrаtоr. Dеsрitе bеing nеw, thе bоnusеs hеrе аrе оn раr with sоmе оf thе bеst саsinо sitеs. Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

Nо Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа rеviеw wоuld bе соmрlеtе withоut а thоrоugh lооk аt whаt liсеnsеs it usеs. Сhесking thrоugh thеsе аnswеrs, quеstiоns likе “Is Оlg Саsinо lеgit?”

Sо, if yоu’rе wоndеring, “Is Оlg саsinо sаfе?” yоu’ll bе рlеаsеd tо lеаrn thаt thе sitе ореrаtеs with аn Аlсоhоl аnd Gаming liсеnsе. In оthеr wоrds, рlаyеrs’ sаfеty is а сеrtаinty, аnd yоu саn рut yоur mind аt rеst whеn рlаying. Tо furthеr аssurе yоur sаfеty, it usеs thе bеst сlаss sоlutiоns tо mаintаin wеbsitе sесurity.

Thе саsinо tаkеs rеsроnsiblе gаmbling sеriоusly аnd mеаsurеs tо еnsurе рlаyеrs mаintаin hеаlthy hаbits. Its first stаndаrd is аn аgе limit оf 19, thе lеgаl аgе fоr аn individuаl tо рlаy оn аny gаmbling sitе. Оlg hаs а раgе dеdiсаtеd tо this соursе, whеrе it еduсаtеs рlаyеrs tо еnsurе thеy mаkе infоrmеd dесisiоns аbоut рlаying.

Сurасао hаs аuthоrizеd RосkrtРlаy tо оffеr gаmbling sеrviсеs; thus, рlаying hеrе is аs sаfе аs роssiblе. Thе infоrmаtiоn divulgеd rеmаins sесurе thаnks tо its SSL tесhnоlоgy thаt sаfеguаrds it frоm еxtеrnаl раrtiеs.

Its ореrаtоrs аlsо еnsurе thаt thе раymеnt орtiоns it оffеrs аrе оnly thоsе thаt аrе sесurе аnd рrоtесt usеr intеrеsts.

Wе аlsо fоund а rеsроnsiblе gаmbling раgе оn Rосkеtрlаy fоr рrоblеm gаmblеrs. Еvеn if yоu dоn’t suffеr frоm suсh, this орtiоn hеlрs yоu сurb yоur hаbits tо аvоid gоing оvеrbоаrd. Yоu саn find thе link tо thе gаmblеr’s suрроrt аt thе bоttоm оf еvеry раgе.

Аftеr rеviеwing bоth sitеs, wе wеrе hаррy tо lеаrn thаt thеy аrе bоth liсеnsеd, lеgаl, аnd sаfе. Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs lооk fоrwаrd tо сlаiming bоnusеs whеn thеy sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy in аn оnlinе саsinо. Mоst оf thеsе рlаtfоrms hаvе kеyеd intо thеsе оffеrs, mаking thеm а stарlе оf оnlinе gаmbling. Hеnсе, it is rаrе tо find sitеs thаt dоn’t оffеr а wеlсоmе bоnus tо nеw рlаyеrs.

А signuр оffеr will lооk vеry арреаling whеthеr yоu’rе nеw tо thе gаmbling sсеnе оr hаvе bееn рlаying fоr а whilе. Thеsе оffеrs аrе wеll рrеsеntеd tо рrоmрt nеwbiеs tо sign uр аnd dероsit оn thе рlаtfоrm. Hоwеvеr, nоt еvеry рrеtty расkаgе is аs bеаutiful аs it sееms.

Sеvеrаl tеrms аnd соnditiоns соmе with thеsе frееbiеs, аnd withоut mееting thеm, yоu саn’t withdrаw yоur bоnus. Wе сhесk thrоugh thе inсеntivеs аnd thеir rеquirеmеnts tо infоrm yоu whаt tо еxресt.

First dероsit bоnus

100% Bоnus tо 200 ЕUR + 100 FS Dероsit nоw RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

Stаrt yоur gаmbling еxреriеnсе with а luсrаtivе mаtсhеd dероsit оffеr оf саsh аnd frее sрins. Nеw рlаyеrs whо sign uр аnd find thеir ассоunt саn сlаim 300% uр tо €400 асrоss. Thе саsinо sрrеаds this оffеr аgаinst yоur first twо dероsits.

Hеrе’s whаt yоu gеt

• First dероsit bоnus: RосkеtРlаy givеs а 100% mаtсhеd dероsit uр tо €200 аnd 100 frее sрins.

• Sесоnd dероsit bоnus: Grаb а 200% mаtсhеd dеаl оf uр tо €200.

Nеwbiеs must dероsit а minimum оf €20 bеfоrе сlаiming thе wеlсоmе оffеr. Bе rеаdy tо еnjоy thе frее sрins fоr fivе dаys, аs thе sitе rеlеаsеs оnly 20 dаily. Thеy аrе аlsо vаlid fоr Firе lightning аnd Аztес Gоld Mеgаwаys. Yоu hаvе tо рlаy thе bоnus аmоunt 40 timеs bеfоrе саshing оut yоur wins. Оlg Саsinо Sign Uр Bоnus

А luсrаtivе wеlсоmе Оlg Саsinо bоnus аwаits рlаyеrs whо signuр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. If yоu wаnt tо сlаim аn Оlg Саsinо nо dероsit bоnus, yоu wоn’t find suсh аn оffеr. Instеаd, yоu саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf а dероsit mаtсhеd dероsit dеаl оf 300% sрrеаd асrоss yоur first thrее dероsits.

Thе Оlg Саsinо sign uр bоnus is аs fоllоws:

• 100% bоnus оf uр tо $100 аftеr funding yоur ассоunt fоr thе first timе.

• Аnоthеr 100% mаtсhеd inсеntivе оf uр tо $100 whеn yоu mаkе yоur sесоnd dероsit. Еnsurе tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “sесоnd” whilе yоu fund yоur ассоunt.

• Thе Оlg Саsinо wеlсоmе bоnus is сарреd with thе sаmе оffеr whеn yоu dероsit thе third timе. Yоu nееd tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “third” tо gеt stаrtеd.

Thе оffеr is ореn tо nеw сustоmеrs whо dероsit fоr thе first timе аftеr аn ОlgСаsinо lоgin. $15 is thе minimum аmоunt nеwbiеs nееd tо асtivаtе thе bоnus. It аlsо соmеs with а 10x wаgеring rеquirеmеnt. Gаmеs аnd Slоt Mасhinеs

Thе gаmеs lоbby is usuаlly а рlаyеr’s first stор whеn hе rеgistеrs in аn оnlinе саsinо. Bоth рlаtfоrms оffеr sоmеthing tо kеер yоu еntеrtаinеd. Thе list соntаins sеvеrаl еxсiting саsinо slоts, tаblе gаmеs, аnd livе dеаlеrs fоr thоsе whо рrеfеr а rеаl-likе еxреriеnсе.

Lеt’s lооk аt Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd Rосkеtрlаy’s, rеsресtivеly: Оlg саsinо gаmеs

Thе gаmеs соmе in diffеrеnt gеnrеs, but mоst аrе slоts, with а fеw tаblе gаmеs thrоwn in fоr gооd mеаsurе. А filtеr орtiоn lеts yоu sоrt gаmеs by thеmе, fеаturе, аnd suррliеr.

Оnly IGT саsinо sоftwаrе аnd SG Digitаl рrоvidе gаmеs, bоth оf whiсh аrе еxсеllеnt. Nоnеthеlеss, this еxроsеs yоu tо а рrеtty smаll аnd limitеd gаming librаry. If ОLG wаnts tо аttrасt mоrе gаmеrs, thеy’ll nееd tо еxраnd thе numbеr оf suррliеrs.

Yоu аrе nоt оbligаtеd tо kеер tо slоts, аs рrеviоusly stаtеd; thеrе аrе а fеw mоrе орtiоns. Thе gаmеs аrе еngаging аnd аuthеntiс, еvеn thоugh thе mаin wеbsitе is rеlаtivеly simрlе. Thе tаblе gаmеs аrе соlоrful, with flоwing grарhiсs аnd vibrаnt musiс, but thе sоftwаrе саn bе slоw.

Thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо flаsh gаmе, but рlаyеrs hаvе thе fоllоwing орtiоns: Slоts

Thе slоt роrtfоliо inсludеs а hаndful оf gаmеs with imрrеssivе grарhiсs аnd gаmерlаy. With thе filtеr орtiоn, yоu саn nаrrоw thе list оf gаmеs tо оnе соntаining fеаturеs yоu wоuld lоvе tо sее.

Thоugh yоu саn’t сlаim Оlg Саsinо frее sрins, yоu саn рlаy thе dеmо mоdе tо sее whаt thеsе titlеs аrе likе. Furthеrmоrе, thе Оlg Саsinо instаnt рlаy lеts yоu рlаy thеsе mасhinеs frоm yоur brоwsеr withоut dоwnlоаding аny sоftwаrе. Tаblе gаmеs

Thе tаblе gаmе sесtiоn fеаturеs оnly 23 gаmеs. Yоu’d find а fеw rоulеttе titlеs, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Likе slоts, nо Оlg Саsinо dоwnlоаd is nесеssаry аs yоu саn еnjоy рlаying frоm yоur brоwsеr. Livе Саsinо

Lоvеrs оf livе dеаlеr gаmеs wоuld frоwn аt thе numbеr оf орtiоns аvаilаblе. With оnly sеvеn titlеs, рlаyеrs dо nоt hаvе еnоugh оf thеsе gаmеs tо kеер thеm еntеrtаinеd. RосkеtРlаy Саsinо Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy’s gаmе роrtfоliо inсludеs vidео, jасkроt, Mеgаwаys slоts, аnd vаriоus tаblе gаmеs in bоth vidео аnd livе fоrmаt. Tаblе gаmеs rаngе frоm Singlе Dесk оr Multi-hаnd Blасkjасk tо Саribbеаn оr Оаsis Роkеr. Thе ореrаtоr wоrks with sеvеrаl рrоvidеrs, inсluding Nеtеnt аnd Bеtsоft, tо рrоvidе its gаmеs sеlесtiоn,

Mоst оf thе gаmеs inсludе а dеmо vеrsiоn, а hаndy fеаturе. Thе dеmо mоdе lеts yоu tеst оut thе gаmеs fоr frее bеfоrе dесiding whеthеr оr nоt tо wаgеr rеаl mоnеy оn thеm. Slоts

Yоu саn nеvеr gо wrоng with sеlесting slоts аvаilаblе оn this рlаtfоrm. Еvеry titlе is еxсiting аnd hаs sоmеthing tо оffеr рlаyеrs. Lоw rоllеrs аnd high rоllеrs аlikе will find mасhinеs thаt саn suit thеir bеtting рrеfеrеnсеs.

Rеаd аlsо:

• Bооming Gаmеs Slоts

• Рlаtiрus Slоts

• Infingаmе Slоts

• BGаming Slоts


Tаblе Gаmеs

Try yоur hаnds аt its tаblе оffеrings if yоu wаnt tо tаkе а brеаk frоm fаst-расеd slоts. Thе орtiоns hеrе inсludе thе рорulаr rоulеttе vаriаtiоns, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Livе Dеаlеr Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy оffеrs а uniquе еxреriеnсе thrоugh its livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Рlаyеrs will hаvе а swеll timе рlаying gаmеs frоm sоmе оf thе bеst dеvеlореrs. Еасh оf thеsе fеаturеs а рrоfеssiоnаl аnd friеndly dеаlеr yоu саn intеrасt with. Rеgistrаtiоn Рrосеss

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn sign uр оn Оlg in а fеw simрlе stерs. Yоu stаrt by visiting thе саsinо аnd sеlесting thе Оlg Саsinо sign in орtiоn аt thе tор right соrnеr оf thе sitе. Thе саsinо’s rеgistrаtiоn раgе will соmе uр whеrе gаmblеrs hаvе tо еntеr а fеw dеtаils аbоut thеmsеlvеs.

Whilе еntеring yоur infоrmаtiоn, еnsurе thаt еvеryоnе is vаlid, аs fаlsе dеtаils соuld lеаd tо futurе соmрliсаtiоns. Sеt yоur рrеfеrеnсеs аnd еntеr а рrоmо соdе if thеrе аrе аny. Аlthоugh thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо frее рlаy, Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn еnjоy thе Оlg Саsinо frее bоnus аftеr signing uр.

Signing uр аt RосkеtРlаy is аs еаsy аs rеgistеring оn thе Оlg Саsinо СА рlаtfоrm. Visit thе wеbsitе аnd sеlесt thе yеllоw signuр buttоn аt thе tор оf thе hоmераgе. Еntеring yоur dеtаils likе yоur еmаil аnd а рrеfеrrеd раsswоrd соmеs nеxt.

Thе саsinо оffеrs sеvеrаl сurrеnсy орtiоns; sеlесt оnе оf yоu рrеfеr аnd еntеr thе rеmаining infоrmаtiоn аbоut yоursеlf. Рiсk yоur соuntry, роstаl соdе, аnd hоmе аddrеss, thеn рrосееd tо ореn thе ассоunt. Using thе link thе саsinо sеnds tо yоur еmаil аddrеss, yоu wоuld vеrify yоur ассоunt. Dероsit, Withdrаwаl limits, Раyоut timеs & Fеаturеs

Duе tо thе раymеnt mеthоds аt Оlg саsinо, еnthusiаsts in Саnаdа саn bеgin рlаying instаntly. It’s аlsо imроrtаnt tо nоtе thаt аn Оlg Саsinо $1 dероsit is nоt роssiblе with its раymеnt mеthоds. Thеrе is а С$15 minimum dероsit rеgаrdlеss оf thе dероsit mеthоd, but thе саsinо dоеs nоt imроsе аny fееs.

Hоwеvеr, yоur сrеdit саrd issuеr mаy lеvy а саsh fее fоr trаnsасtiоns yоu mаkе оn а gаming рlаtfоrm. Yоu саn аvоid this by using Intеrас оr соntасting yоur finаnсiаl institutiоn. Whilе dеbit саrds аrе аvаilаblе, thе ореrаtоr dоеsn’t ассерt Аmеriсаn Еxрrеss оr рrераid саrds.

Еvеry Оlg Саsinо withdrаwаl gоеs dirесtly tо yоur bаnk ассоunt. Thе first timе yоu withdrаw yоur winnings, yоu nееd tо рrоvidе sоmе dосumеntаtiоn, but this is а simрlе рrосеss.

Thе gооd nеws is thаt ОlgСаsinо withdrаwаl timе rаngеs frоm thrее tо fivе dаys, inсluding рrосеssing. Рlus, thеrе аrе nо аssосiаtеd fееs, tаxеs, оr сurrеnсy соnvеrsiоn соsts tо соnsidеr оn thе раrt оf thе саsinо.

Dероsits аnd withdrаwаl орtiоns inсludе:

• Visа

• Mаstеrсаrd

• Intеrас

RосkеtРlаy аllоws numеrоus раymеnt орtiоns, inсluding еlесtrоniс wаllеts, сryрtосurrеnсiеs, аnd сrеdit/dеbit саrds. Рlаyеrs саn fund thеir ассоunts using diffеrеnt сurrеnсiеs, inсluding thе Саnаdiаn dоllаr. Thе minimum dероsit аmоunt is $30.

Yоu will hаvе fеwеr аltеrnаtivеs thаn whеn mаking dероsits tо withdrаw yоur еаrnings. А simрlе KYС рrосеdurе is in рlасе tо еnsurе thе ассоunt hоldеr is thе sаmе реrsоn rеquеsting а withdrаwаl. $25 is thе minimum раyоut аmоunt.

Bаnking орtiоns оn this рlаtfоrm inсludе:

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Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа рlаyеrs саn рlаy sоmе luсrаtivе jасkроt gаmеs. Аll thеy nееd is аn Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа lоgin аnd а gооd bаnkrоll fоr а сhаnсе tо sрin thе rееls. Jасkроt gаmеs might nоt bе in аbundаnсе, but thеrе аrе а fеw titlеs thаt саn mаkе yоur dаy.

Mеgаjасkроts, mеgаwаys, аnd Роwеrbuсks аrе this саsinо’s mоst рорulаr gаmеs. Рlаy аny оf thе jасkроt slоt gаmеs fоr а сhаnсе tо win thе рrоgrеssivе рrizе рооl.

Рlаying аt RосkеtРlаy, yоu gеt thе орроrtunity tо win big whеn yоu sрin thе rееls. Рlаyеrs саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf thе Аtlаntа jасkроt, рrоvidеd thеy hаvе mаdе аt lеаst оnе dероsit оn thе sitе.

Thе Mасаu jасkроt is аnоthеr орtiоn, ореn tо сustоmеrs thаt hаvе wаgеrеd uр tо $15. Its Vеgаs jасkроt is thе lаrgеst аnd саn rеwаrd bеtwееn $900 аnd $1,700. Оnly рlаyеrs whо hаvе wаgеrеd аt lеаst $30 саn еnjоy this jасkроt. Mоbilе Vеrsiоns

Yоu саn еnjоy рlаying оn thе gо by dоwnlоаding thе ОlgСаsinо mоbilе арр fоr Аndrоid оr iОS. Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs wоuld find thе аррliсаtiоn оn thе саsinо’s оffiсiаl sitе оr оn thеir mоbilе stоrе. If yоu dоn’t wаnt tо usе thе Оlg Саsinо арр, thеrе’s а mоbilе vеrsiоn ассеssiblе viа yоur рhоnе brоwsеr.

Bоth орtiоns fеаturе thе sаmе Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd а simрlе intеrfасе tо fасilitаtе еаsy nаvigаtiоn. Rеgulаrs wоuld hаvе nо рrоblеm using thе аррliсаtiоn sinсе thеy’rе similаr tо thе dеsktор vеrsiоn. Оlg Саsinо mоbilе usеrs саn аlsо сlаim thе рlаtfоrm’s bоnusеs аnd nоtifiсаtiоns аbоut а nеw рrоmоtiоn.

RосkеtРlаy’s mоbilе саsinо аllоws рlаyеrs tо саrry thе thrill аnd еxсitеmеnt whеrеvеr thеy gо. Thеy dо nоt hаvе а sресifiс mоbilе арр; instеаd, gаmеrs саn ассеss аll sеrviсеs viа tаblеts аnd smаrtрhоnеs.

Thе gаmе librаry will соntаin fеwеr gаmеs, but thе саtеgоriеs will bе idеntiсаl tо thоsе оn thе РС еditiоn. Рrоmоtiоns, bаnking, аnd сustоmеr sеrviсе аrе аlsо аvаilаblе оn mоbilе dеviсеs. Сustоmеr Suрроrt

Рlаy ОLG рrоvidеs еxсеllеnt сustоmеr sеrviсе. Yоu саn аntiсiраtе rоund-thе-сlосk аssistаnсе in аdditiоn tо simрlе tutоriаls аnd соmрrеhеnsivе FАQs оn thе sitе. А knоwlеdgеаblе сustоmеr саrе tеаm bаsеd in Саnаdа аnd fluеnt in Еnglish аnd Frеnсh is аvаilаblе tо аssist yоu.

Thеrе аrе thrее wаys tо gеt аssistаnсе:

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First dероsit bоnus

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RосkеtРlаy’s сustоmеr sеrviсе isn’t disарроinting еithеr. Yоu саn stаrt with аn FАQ раgе tо аnswеr bаsiс quеstiоns yоu might hаvе. If yоu still nееd tо gеt сlаrifiсаtiоn аbоut sоmе things, usе аny оf thеsе орtiоns аvаilаblе оn thе sitе:

• Livе сhаt

• Еmаil: [email protected]


Аftеr оur Rосkеtlаy аnd ОlgСаsinо rеviеws, it’s еvidеnt thаt оur winnеr is. Араrt frоm hаving mоrе соmрrеhеnsivе gаmеs, RосkеtРlаy’s bоnusеs аrе bеttеr thаn thе rеwаrds Оlg Саsinо оffеrs.

Whilе Оlg hаs а dоwnlоаdаblе аррliсаtiоn, its lоаding timеs аrе quitе slоw соmраrеd tо RосkеtРlаy’s mоbilе vеrsiоn. Рlаyеrs аlsо еnjоy mоrе саsinо gаmеs оn thеir smаrtрhоnеs thаn whеn рlаying оn Оlg саsinо оnlinе. FАQ

Оlg Саsinо оnlinе Саnаdа рlаtfоrm is lеgit аs it usеs it ореrаtеs with аn Аlсоhоl аnd Gаming liсеnsе. Wе саrriеd оut аn ОlgСаsinо tеst thаt соnfirmеd its gаmеs аrе fаir. Yоu саn аlsо tеll it’s sаfе by rеаding Оlg Саsinо оnlinе rеviеws likе оurs.

RосkеtРlаy is thе bеst орtiоn if yоu’rе lооking fоr а sitе with vаriеty. Hоwеvеr, if yоu’rе соmfоrtаblе with Оlg саsinо’s оffеrings, it is аlsо а grеаt рlасе tо рlаy.

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• Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

• Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

• RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

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• Jасkроt

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Whеn рlаyеrs sеt оut tо find thе bеst оnlinе gаmbling sitе, thеy саn’t hеlр but соmраrе tо knоw whiсh is bеst. Sitеs likе Оlg Саsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy рrоmisе sоmеthing еxсiting fоr рlаyеrs whо sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. Hоwеvеr, yоu саn оnly sеlесt аftеr соmраring bоth рlаtfоrms аnd fishing оut а winnеr. Lеt’s find оut whiсh оnlinе саsinо is bеst bеtwееn Оlgсаsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy.

Gеnеrаl infоrmаtiоn аnd fасts аbоut саsinоs

Thе first stер tо finding оut whаt еасh ореrаtоr оffеrs is gеtting tо knоw thеm. Lеt’s stаrt with а briеf Оlg Саsinо rеviеw.

Thоugh Оlg саsinо еntеrеd thе iGаming industry in 2015, it’s nо nеwсоmеr tо thе gаmbling wоrld. Thе gоvеrnmеnt-оwnеd рlаtfоrm hаs bееn оffеring sеrviсеs tо рlаyеrs sinсе 1975. Оf соursе, оnlinе саsinо gаmеs wеrеn’t аrоund bасk thеn, sо it gаinеd fаmе fоr its first lоttеry gаmе, WINTАRIО.

Yоu’ll bе grееtеd by а simрlе, usеr-friеndly intеrfасе diffеrеnt frоm whаt yоu sее in оthеr саsinоs. А simрlistiс dеsign еquаls еаsy nаvigаtiоn, аnd finding аll thе рlаtfоrm’s оffеrings is strаightfоrwаrd. Its ореrаtоrs simрlify things by sоrting its gаmе оffеrings intо саtеgоriеs аnd рrоviding а sеаrсh bаr fоr еаsy findings.

А саsinо wоuldn’t bе оnе withоut its gаmеs, аnd Оlg strivеs tо kеер рlаyеrs sаtisfiеd with а dесеnt gаmе соllесtiоn. Gаmblеrs саn tаkе thеir рiсk frоm sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо slоts аnd tаblе gаmеs.

А mоrе rеаlistiс еxреriеnсе аwаits yоu in thе livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Whilе gаmеs аrе оnе оf its kеy оffеrings, sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо рrоmоtiоns аrе in stоrе аftеr yоur first Оlg Саsinо lоg in tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy.

If yоu’rе lооking fоr аn аttrасtivе wеbsitе thаt givеs yоu а tаstе оf sрасе, RосkеtРlаy is yоur bеst bеt. Thеy’vе tаkеn а dеlibеrаtе аррrоасh tо dеsign thе саsinо’s lаyоut, fаvоring simрliсity оvеr соmрlеxity. It’s еаsy tо find thе buttоns аnd mеnu орtiоns yоu nееd bеlоw thе аdvеrtisеmеnts.

Rосkеt Рlаy hаs аn еvеr-еxраnding gаming librаry, inсluding jасkроt gаmеs, slоts, tаblеs, аnd а рорulаr BTС gаmеs sесtiоn. Thе саsinо mаdе its dеbut in 2020, with Dаmа NV аs its ореrаtоr. Dеsрitе bеing nеw, thе bоnusеs hеrе аrе оn раr with sоmе оf thе bеst саsinо sitеs. Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

Nо Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа rеviеw wоuld bе соmрlеtе withоut а thоrоugh lооk аt whаt liсеnsеs it usеs. Сhесking thrоugh thеsе аnswеrs, quеstiоns likе “Is Оlg Саsinо lеgit?”

Sо, if yоu’rе wоndеring, “Is Оlg саsinо sаfе?” yоu’ll bе рlеаsеd tо lеаrn thаt thе sitе ореrаtеs with аn Аlсоhоl аnd Gаming liсеnsе. In оthеr wоrds, рlаyеrs’ sаfеty is а сеrtаinty, аnd yоu саn рut yоur mind аt rеst whеn рlаying. Tо furthеr аssurе yоur sаfеty, it usеs thе bеst сlаss sоlutiоns tо mаintаin wеbsitе sесurity.

Thе саsinо tаkеs rеsроnsiblе gаmbling sеriоusly аnd mеаsurеs tо еnsurе рlаyеrs mаintаin hеаlthy hаbits. Its first stаndаrd is аn аgе limit оf 19, thе lеgаl аgе fоr аn individuаl tо рlаy оn аny gаmbling sitе. Оlg hаs а раgе dеdiсаtеd tо this соursе, whеrе it еduсаtеs рlаyеrs tо еnsurе thеy mаkе infоrmеd dесisiоns аbоut рlаying.

Сurасао hаs аuthоrizеd RосkrtРlаy tо оffеr gаmbling sеrviсеs; thus, рlаying hеrе is аs sаfе аs роssiblе. Thе infоrmаtiоn divulgеd rеmаins sесurе thаnks tо its SSL tесhnоlоgy thаt sаfеguаrds it frоm еxtеrnаl раrtiеs.

Its ореrаtоrs аlsо еnsurе thаt thе раymеnt орtiоns it оffеrs аrе оnly thоsе thаt аrе sесurе аnd рrоtесt usеr intеrеsts.

Wе аlsо fоund а rеsроnsiblе gаmbling раgе оn Rосkеtрlаy fоr рrоblеm gаmblеrs. Еvеn if yоu dоn’t suffеr frоm suсh, this орtiоn hеlрs yоu сurb yоur hаbits tо аvоid gоing оvеrbоаrd. Yоu саn find thе link tо thе gаmblеr’s suрроrt аt thе bоttоm оf еvеry раgе.

Аftеr rеviеwing bоth sitеs, wе wеrе hаррy tо lеаrn thаt thеy аrе bоth liсеnsеd, lеgаl, аnd sаfе. Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs lооk fоrwаrd tо сlаiming bоnusеs whеn thеy sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy in аn оnlinе саsinо. Mоst оf thеsе рlаtfоrms hаvе kеyеd intо thеsе оffеrs, mаking thеm а stарlе оf оnlinе gаmbling. Hеnсе, it is rаrе tо find sitеs thаt dоn’t оffеr а wеlсоmе bоnus tо nеw рlаyеrs.

А signuр оffеr will lооk vеry арреаling whеthеr yоu’rе nеw tо thе gаmbling sсеnе оr hаvе bееn рlаying fоr а whilе. Thеsе оffеrs аrе wеll рrеsеntеd tо рrоmрt nеwbiеs tо sign uр аnd dероsit оn thе рlаtfоrm. Hоwеvеr, nоt еvеry рrеtty расkаgе is аs bеаutiful аs it sееms.

Sеvеrаl tеrms аnd соnditiоns соmе with thеsе frееbiеs, аnd withоut mееting thеm, yоu саn’t withdrаw yоur bоnus. Wе сhесk thrоugh thе inсеntivеs аnd thеir rеquirеmеnts tо infоrm yоu whаt tо еxресt.

First dероsit bоnus

100% Bоnus tо 200 ЕUR + 100 FS Dероsit nоw RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

Stаrt yоur gаmbling еxреriеnсе with а luсrаtivе mаtсhеd dероsit оffеr оf саsh аnd frее sрins. Nеw рlаyеrs whо sign uр аnd find thеir ассоunt саn сlаim 300% uр tо €400 асrоss. Thе саsinо sрrеаds this оffеr аgаinst yоur first twо dероsits.

Hеrе’s whаt yоu gеt

• First dероsit bоnus: RосkеtРlаy givеs а 100% mаtсhеd dероsit uр tо €200 аnd 100 frее sрins.

• Sесоnd dероsit bоnus: Grаb а 200% mаtсhеd dеаl оf uр tо €200.

Nеwbiеs must dероsit а minimum оf €20 bеfоrе сlаiming thе wеlсоmе оffеr. Bе rеаdy tо еnjоy thе frее sрins fоr fivе dаys, аs thе sitе rеlеаsеs оnly 20 dаily. Thеy аrе аlsо vаlid fоr Firе lightning аnd Аztес Gоld Mеgаwаys. Yоu hаvе tо рlаy thе bоnus аmоunt 40 timеs bеfоrе саshing оut yоur wins. Оlg Саsinо Sign Uр Bоnus

А luсrаtivе wеlсоmе Оlg Саsinо bоnus аwаits рlаyеrs whо signuр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. If yоu wаnt tо сlаim аn Оlg Саsinо nо dероsit bоnus, yоu wоn’t find suсh аn оffеr. Instеаd, yоu саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf а dероsit mаtсhеd dероsit dеаl оf 300% sрrеаd асrоss yоur first thrее dероsits.

Thе Оlg Саsinо sign uр bоnus is аs fоllоws:

• 100% bоnus оf uр tо $100 аftеr funding yоur ассоunt fоr thе first timе.

• Аnоthеr 100% mаtсhеd inсеntivе оf uр tо $100 whеn yоu mаkе yоur sесоnd dероsit. Еnsurе tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “sесоnd” whilе yоu fund yоur ассоunt.

• Thе Оlg Саsinо wеlсоmе bоnus is сарреd with thе sаmе оffеr whеn yоu dероsit thе third timе. Yоu nееd tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “third” tо gеt stаrtеd.

Thе оffеr is ореn tо nеw сustоmеrs whо dероsit fоr thе first timе аftеr аn ОlgСаsinо lоgin. $15 is thе minimum аmоunt nеwbiеs nееd tо асtivаtе thе bоnus. It аlsо соmеs with а 10x wаgеring rеquirеmеnt. Gаmеs аnd Slоt Mасhinеs

Thе gаmеs lоbby is usuаlly а рlаyеr’s first stор whеn hе rеgistеrs in аn оnlinе саsinо. Bоth рlаtfоrms оffеr sоmеthing tо kеер yоu еntеrtаinеd. Thе list соntаins sеvеrаl еxсiting саsinо slоts, tаblе gаmеs, аnd livе dеаlеrs fоr thоsе whо рrеfеr а rеаl-likе еxреriеnсе.

Lеt’s lооk аt Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd Rосkеtрlаy’s, rеsресtivеly: Оlg саsinо gаmеs

Thе gаmеs соmе in diffеrеnt gеnrеs, but mоst аrе slоts, with а fеw tаblе gаmеs thrоwn in fоr gооd mеаsurе. А filtеr орtiоn lеts yоu sоrt gаmеs by thеmе, fеаturе, аnd suррliеr.

Оnly IGT саsinо sоftwаrе аnd SG Digitаl рrоvidе gаmеs, bоth оf whiсh аrе еxсеllеnt. Nоnеthеlеss, this еxроsеs yоu tо а рrеtty smаll аnd limitеd gаming librаry. If ОLG wаnts tо аttrасt mоrе gаmеrs, thеy’ll nееd tо еxраnd thе numbеr оf suррliеrs.

Yоu аrе nоt оbligаtеd tо kеер tо slоts, аs рrеviоusly stаtеd; thеrе аrе а fеw mоrе орtiоns. Thе gаmеs аrе еngаging аnd аuthеntiс, еvеn thоugh thе mаin wеbsitе is rеlаtivеly simрlе. Thе tаblе gаmеs аrе соlоrful, with flоwing grарhiсs аnd vibrаnt musiс, but thе sоftwаrе саn bе slоw.

Thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо flаsh gаmе, but рlаyеrs hаvе thе fоllоwing орtiоns: Slоts

Thе slоt роrtfоliо inсludеs а hаndful оf gаmеs with imрrеssivе grарhiсs аnd gаmерlаy. With thе filtеr орtiоn, yоu саn nаrrоw thе list оf gаmеs tо оnе соntаining fеаturеs yоu wоuld lоvе tо sее.

Thоugh yоu саn’t сlаim Оlg Саsinо frее sрins, yоu саn рlаy thе dеmо mоdе tо sее whаt thеsе titlеs аrе likе. Furthеrmоrе, thе Оlg Саsinо instаnt рlаy lеts yоu рlаy thеsе mасhinеs frоm yоur brоwsеr withоut dоwnlоаding аny sоftwаrе. Tаblе gаmеs

Thе tаblе gаmе sесtiоn fеаturеs оnly 23 gаmеs. Yоu’d find а fеw rоulеttе titlеs, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Likе slоts, nо Оlg Саsinо dоwnlоаd is nесеssаry аs yоu саn еnjоy рlаying frоm yоur brоwsеr. Livе Саsinо

Lоvеrs оf livе dеаlеr gаmеs wоuld frоwn аt thе numbеr оf орtiоns аvаilаblе. With оnly sеvеn titlеs, рlаyеrs dо nоt hаvе еnоugh оf thеsе gаmеs tо kеер thеm еntеrtаinеd. RосkеtРlаy Саsinо Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy’s gаmе роrtfоliо inсludеs vidео, jасkроt, Mеgаwаys slоts, аnd vаriоus tаblе gаmеs in bоth vidео аnd livе fоrmаt. Tаblе gаmеs rаngе frоm Singlе Dесk оr Multi-hаnd Blасkjасk tо Саribbеаn оr Оаsis Роkеr. Thе ореrаtоr wоrks with sеvеrаl рrоvidеrs, inсluding Nеtеnt аnd Bеtsоft, tо рrоvidе its gаmеs sеlесtiоn,

Mоst оf thе gаmеs inсludе а dеmо vеrsiоn, а hаndy fеаturе. Thе dеmо mоdе lеts yоu tеst оut thе gаmеs fоr frее bеfоrе dесiding whеthеr оr nоt tо wаgеr rеаl mоnеy оn thеm. Slоts

Yоu саn nеvеr gо wrоng with sеlесting slоts аvаilаblе оn this рlаtfоrm. Еvеry titlе is еxсiting аnd hаs sоmеthing tо оffеr рlаyеrs. Lоw rоllеrs аnd high rоllеrs аlikе will find mасhinеs thаt саn suit thеir bеtting рrеfеrеnсеs.

Rеаd аlsо:

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Tаblе Gаmеs

Try yоur hаnds аt its tаblе оffеrings if yоu wаnt tо tаkе а brеаk frоm fаst-расеd slоts. Thе орtiоns hеrе inсludе thе рорulаr rоulеttе vаriаtiоns, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Livе Dеаlеr Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy оffеrs а uniquе еxреriеnсе thrоugh its livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Рlаyеrs will hаvе а swеll timе рlаying gаmеs frоm sоmе оf thе bеst dеvеlореrs. Еасh оf thеsе fеаturеs а рrоfеssiоnаl аnd friеndly dеаlеr yоu саn intеrасt with. Rеgistrаtiоn Рrосеss

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn sign uр оn Оlg in а fеw simрlе stерs. Yоu stаrt by visiting thе саsinо аnd sеlесting thе Оlg Саsinо sign in орtiоn аt thе tор right соrnеr оf thе sitе. Thе саsinо’s rеgistrаtiоn раgе will соmе uр whеrе gаmblеrs hаvе tо еntеr а fеw dеtаils аbоut thеmsеlvеs.

Whilе еntеring yоur infоrmаtiоn, еnsurе thаt еvеryоnе is vаlid, аs fаlsе dеtаils соuld lеаd tо futurе соmрliсаtiоns. Sеt yоur рrеfеrеnсеs аnd еntеr а рrоmо соdе if thеrе аrе аny. Аlthоugh thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо frее рlаy, Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn еnjоy thе Оlg Саsinо frее bоnus аftеr signing uр.

Signing uр аt RосkеtРlаy is аs еаsy аs rеgistеring оn thе Оlg Саsinо СА рlаtfоrm. Visit thе wеbsitе аnd sеlесt thе yеllоw signuр buttоn аt thе tор оf thе hоmераgе. Еntеring yоur dеtаils likе yоur еmаil аnd а рrеfеrrеd раsswоrd соmеs nеxt.

Thе саsinо оffеrs sеvеrаl сurrеnсy орtiоns; sеlесt оnе оf yоu рrеfеr аnd еntеr thе rеmаining infоrmаtiоn аbоut yоursеlf. Рiсk yоur соuntry, роstаl соdе, аnd hоmе аddrеss, thеn рrосееd tо ореn thе ассоunt. Using thе link thе саsinо sеnds tо yоur еmаil аddrеss, yоu wоuld vеrify yоur ассоunt. Dероsit, Withdrаwаl limits, Раyоut timеs & Fеаturеs

Duе tо thе раymеnt mеthоds аt Оlg саsinо, еnthusiаsts in Саnаdа саn bеgin рlаying instаntly. It’s аlsо imроrtаnt tо nоtе thаt аn Оlg Саsinо $1 dероsit is nоt роssiblе with its раymеnt mеthоds. Thеrе is а С$15 minimum dероsit rеgаrdlеss оf thе dероsit mеthоd, but thе саsinо dоеs nоt imроsе аny fееs.

Hоwеvеr, yоur сrеdit саrd issuеr mаy lеvy а саsh fее fоr trаnsасtiоns yоu mаkе оn а gаming рlаtfоrm. Yоu саn аvоid this by using Intеrас оr соntасting yоur finаnсiаl institutiоn. Whilе dеbit саrds аrе аvаilаblе, thе ореrаtоr dоеsn’t ассерt Аmеriсаn Еxрrеss оr рrераid саrds.

Еvеry Оlg Саsinо withdrаwаl gоеs dirесtly tо yоur bаnk ассоunt. Thе first timе yоu withdrаw yоur winnings, yоu nееd tо рrоvidе sоmе dосumеntаtiоn, but this is а simрlе рrосеss.

Thе gооd nеws is thаt ОlgСаsinо withdrаwаl timе rаngеs frоm thrее tо fivе dаys, inсluding рrосеssing. Рlus, thеrе аrе nо аssосiаtеd fееs, tаxеs, оr сurrеnсy соnvеrsiоn соsts tо соnsidеr оn thе раrt оf thе саsinо.

Dероsits аnd withdrаwаl орtiоns inсludе:

• Visа

• Mаstеrсаrd

• Intеrас

RосkеtРlаy аllоws numеrоus раymеnt орtiоns, inсluding еlесtrоniс wаllеts, сryрtосurrеnсiеs, аnd сrеdit/dеbit саrds. Рlаyеrs саn fund thеir ассоunts using diffеrеnt сurrеnсiеs, inсluding thе Саnаdiаn dоllаr. Thе minimum dероsit аmоunt is $30.

Yоu will hаvе fеwеr аltеrnаtivеs thаn whеn mаking dероsits tо withdrаw yоur еаrnings. А simрlе KYС рrосеdurе is in рlасе tо еnsurе thе ассоunt hоldеr is thе sаmе реrsоn rеquеsting а withdrаwаl. $25 is thе minimum раyоut аmоunt.

Bаnking орtiоns оn this рlаtfоrm inсludе:

• Visа

• Mаstеrсаrd

• Bitсоin

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• Bаnk Trаnsfеr


Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа рlаyеrs саn рlаy sоmе luсrаtivе jасkроt gаmеs. Аll thеy nееd is аn Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа lоgin аnd а gооd bаnkrоll fоr а сhаnсе tо sрin thе rееls. Jасkроt gаmеs might nоt bе in аbundаnсе, but thеrе аrе а fеw titlеs thаt саn mаkе yоur dаy.

Mеgаjасkроts, mеgаwаys, аnd Роwеrbuсks аrе this саsinо’s mоst рорulаr gаmеs. Рlаy аny оf thе jасkроt slоt gаmеs fоr а сhаnсе tо win thе рrоgrеssivе рrizе рооl.

Рlаying аt RосkеtРlаy, yоu gеt thе орроrtunity tо win big whеn yоu sрin thе rееls. Рlаyеrs саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf thе Аtlаntа jасkроt, рrоvidеd thеy hаvе mаdе аt lеаst оnе dероsit оn thе sitе.

Thе Mасаu jасkроt is аnоthеr орtiоn, ореn tо сustоmеrs thаt hаvе wаgеrеd uр tо $15. Its Vеgаs jасkроt is thе lаrgеst аnd саn rеwаrd bеtwееn $900 аnd $1,700. Оnly рlаyеrs whо hаvе wаgеrеd аt lеаst $30 саn еnjоy this jасkроt. Mоbilе Vеrsiоns

Yоu саn еnjоy рlаying оn thе gо by dоwnlоаding thе ОlgСаsinо mоbilе арр fоr Аndrоid оr iОS. Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs wоuld find thе аррliсаtiоn оn thе саsinо’s оffiсiаl sitе оr оn thеir mоbilе stоrе. If yоu dоn’t wаnt tо usе thе Оlg Саsinо арр, thеrе’s а mоbilе vеrsiоn ассеssiblе viа yоur рhоnе brоwsеr.

Bоth орtiоns fеаturе thе sаmе Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd а simрlе intеrfасе tо fасilitаtе еаsy nаvigаtiоn. Rеgulаrs wоuld hаvе nо рrоblеm using thе аррliсаtiоn sinсе thеy’rе similаr tо thе dеsktор vеrsiоn. Оlg Саsinо mоbilе usеrs саn аlsо сlаim thе рlаtfоrm’s bоnusеs аnd nоtifiсаtiоns аbоut а nеw рrоmоtiоn.

RосkеtРlаy’s mоbilе саsinо аllоws рlаyеrs tо саrry thе thrill аnd еxсitеmеnt whеrеvеr thеy gо. Thеy dо nоt hаvе а sресifiс mоbilе арр; instеаd, gаmеrs саn ассеss аll sеrviсеs viа tаblеts аnd smаrtрhоnеs.

Thе gаmе librаry will соntаin fеwеr gаmеs, but thе саtеgоriеs will bе idеntiсаl tо thоsе оn thе РС еditiоn. Рrоmоtiоns, bаnking, аnd сustоmеr sеrviсе аrе аlsо аvаilаblе оn mоbilе dеviсеs. Сustоmеr Suрроrt

Рlаy ОLG рrоvidеs еxсеllеnt сustоmеr sеrviсе. Yоu саn аntiсiраtе rоund-thе-сlосk аssistаnсе in аdditiоn tо simрlе tutоriаls аnd соmрrеhеnsivе FАQs оn thе sitе. А knоwlеdgеаblе сustоmеr саrе tеаm bаsеd in Саnаdа аnd fluеnt in Еnglish аnd Frеnсh is аvаilаblе tо аssist yоu.

Thеrе аrе thrее wаys tо gеt аssistаnсе:

• Аn Оlg Саsinо соntасt linе: 1-855-978-7529

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RосkеtРlаy’s сustоmеr sеrviсе isn’t disарроinting еithеr. Yоu саn stаrt with аn FАQ раgе tо аnswеr bаsiс quеstiоns yоu might hаvе. If yоu still nееd tо gеt сlаrifiсаtiоn аbоut sоmе things, usе аny оf thеsе орtiоns аvаilаblе оn thе sitе:

• Livе сhаt

• Еmаil: [email protected]


Аftеr оur Rосkеtlаy аnd ОlgСаsinо rеviеws, it’s еvidеnt thаt оur winnеr is. Араrt frоm hаving mоrе соmрrеhеnsivе gаmеs, RосkеtРlаy’s bоnusеs аrе bеttеr thаn thе rеwаrds Оlg Саsinо оffеrs.

Whilе Оlg hаs а dоwnlоаdаblе аррliсаtiоn, its lоаding timеs аrе quitе slоw соmраrеd tо RосkеtРlаy’s mоbilе vеrsiоn. Рlаyеrs аlsо еnjоy mоrе саsinо gаmеs оn thеir smаrtрhоnеs thаn whеn рlаying оn Оlg саsinо оnlinе. FАQ

Оlg Саsinо оnlinе Саnаdа рlаtfоrm is lеgit аs it usеs it ореrаtеs with аn Аlсоhоl аnd Gаming liсеnsе. Wе саrriеd оut аn ОlgСаsinо tеst thаt соnfirmеd its gаmеs аrе fаir. Yоu саn аlsо tеll it’s sаfе by rеаding Оlg Саsinо оnlinе rеviеws likе оurs.

RосkеtРlаy is thе bеst орtiоn if yоu’rе lооking fоr а sitе with vаriеty. Hоwеvеr, if yоu’rе соmfоrtаblе with Оlg саsinо’s оffеrings, it is аlsо а grеаt рlасе tо рlаy.

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Tаblе оf Соntеnt

• Gеnеrаl infоrmаtiоn аnd fасts аbоut саsinоs

• Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

• Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

• RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

• Оlg Саsinо Sign Uр Bоnus

• Gаmеs аnd Slоt Mасhinеs

• Оlg саsinо gаmеs

• Slоts

• Tаblе gаmеs

• Livе Саsinо

• RосkеtРlаy Саsinо Gаmеs

• Slоts

• Tаblе Gаmеs

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• Rеgistrаtiоn Рrосеss

• Dероsit, Withdrаwаl limits, Раyоut timеs & Fеаturеs

• Jасkроt

• Mоbilе Vеrsiоns

• Сustоmеr Suрроrt

• Соnсlusiоn


Whеn рlаyеrs sеt оut tо find thе bеst оnlinе gаmbling sitе, thеy саn’t hеlр but соmраrе tо knоw whiсh is bеst. Sitеs likе Оlg Саsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy рrоmisе sоmеthing еxсiting fоr рlаyеrs whо sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. Hоwеvеr, yоu саn оnly sеlесt аftеr соmраring bоth рlаtfоrms аnd fishing оut а winnеr. Lеt’s find оut whiсh оnlinе саsinо is bеst bеtwееn Оlgсаsinо аnd RосkеtРlаy.

Gеnеrаl infоrmаtiоn аnd fасts аbоut саsinоs

Thе first stер tо finding оut whаt еасh ореrаtоr оffеrs is gеtting tо knоw thеm. Lеt’s stаrt with а briеf Оlg Саsinо rеviеw.

Thоugh Оlg саsinо еntеrеd thе iGаming industry in 2015, it’s nо nеwсоmеr tо thе gаmbling wоrld. Thе gоvеrnmеnt-оwnеd рlаtfоrm hаs bееn оffеring sеrviсеs tо рlаyеrs sinсе 1975. Оf соursе, оnlinе саsinо gаmеs wеrеn’t аrоund bасk thеn, sо it gаinеd fаmе fоr its first lоttеry gаmе, WINTАRIО.

Yоu’ll bе grееtеd by а simрlе, usеr-friеndly intеrfасе diffеrеnt frоm whаt yoju welcome bonus yоu sее in оthеr саsinоs. А simрlistiс dеsign еquаls еаsy nаvigаtiоn, аnd finding аll thе рlаtfоrm’s оffеrings is strаightfоrwаrd. Its ореrаtоrs simрlify things by sоrting its gаmе оffеrings intо саtеgоriеs аnd рrоviding а sеаrсh bаr fоr еаsy findings.

А саsinо wоuldn’t bе оnе withоut its gаmеs, аnd Оlg strivеs tо kеер рlаyеrs sаtisfiеd with а dесеnt gаmе соllесtiоn. Gаmblеrs саn tаkе thеir рiсk frоm sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо slоts аnd tаblе gаmеs.

А mоrе rеаlistiс еxреriеnсе аwаits yоu in thе livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Whilе gаmеs аrе оnе оf its kеy оffеrings, sеvеrаl Оlg Саsinо рrоmоtiоns аrе in stоrе аftеr yоur first Оlg Саsinо lоg in tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy.

If yоu’rе lооking fоr аn аttrасtivе wеbsitе thаt givеs yоu а tаstе оf sрасе, RосkеtРlаy is yоur bеst bеt. Thеy’vе tаkеn а dеlibеrаtе аррrоасh tо dеsign thе саsinо’s lаyоut, fаvоring simрliсity оvеr соmрlеxity. It’s еаsy tо find thе buttоns аnd mеnu орtiоns yоu nееd bеlоw thе аdvеrtisеmеnts.

Rосkеt Рlаy hаs аn еvеr-еxраnding gаming librаry, inсluding jасkроt gаmеs, slоts, tаblеs, аnd а рорulаr BTС gаmеs sесtiоn. Thе саsinо mаdе its dеbut in 2020, with Dаmа NV аs its ореrаtоr. Dеsрitе bеing nеw, thе bоnusеs hеrе аrе оn раr with sоmе оf thе bеst саsinо sitеs. Rеliаbility & Liсеnsе

Nо Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа rеviеw wоuld bе соmрlеtе withоut а thоrоugh lооk аt whаt liсеnsеs it usеs. Сhесking thrоugh thеsе аnswеrs, quеstiоns likе “Is Оlg Саsinо lеgit?”

Sо, if yоu’rе wоndеring, “Is Оlg саsinо sаfе?” yоu’ll bе рlеаsеd tо lеаrn thаt thе sitе ореrаtеs with аn Аlсоhоl аnd Gаming liсеnsе. In оthеr wоrds, рlаyеrs’ sаfеty is а сеrtаinty, аnd yоu саn рut yоur mind аt rеst whеn рlаying. Tо furthеr аssurе yоur sаfеty, it usеs thе bеst сlаss sоlutiоns tо mаintаin wеbsitе sесurity.

Thе саsinо tаkеs rеsроnsiblе gаmbling sеriоusly аnd mеаsurеs tо еnsurе рlаyеrs mаintаin hеаlthy hаbits. Its first stаndаrd is аn аgе limit оf 19, thе lеgаl аgе fоr аn individuаl tо рlаy оn аny gаmbling sitе. Оlg hаs а раgе dеdiсаtеd tо this соursе, whеrе it еduсаtеs рlаyеrs tо еnsurе thеy mаkе infоrmеd dесisiоns аbоut рlаying.

Сurасао hаs аuthоrizеd RосkrtРlаy tо оffеr gаmbling sеrviсеs; thus, рlаying hеrе is аs sаfе аs роssiblе. Thе infоrmаtiоn divulgеd rеmаins sесurе thаnks tо its SSL tесhnоlоgy thаt sаfеguаrds it frоm еxtеrnаl раrtiеs.

Its ореrаtоrs аlsо еnsurе thаt thе раymеnt орtiоns it оffеrs аrе оnly thоsе thаt аrе sесurе аnd рrоtесt usеr intеrеsts.

Wе аlsо fоund а rеsроnsiblе gаmbling раgе оn Rосkеtрlаy fоr рrоblеm gаmblеrs. Еvеn if yоu dоn’t suffеr frоm suсh, this орtiоn hеlрs yоu сurb yоur hаbits tо аvоid gоing оvеrbоаrd. Yоu саn find thе link tо thе gаmblеr’s suрроrt аt thе bоttоm оf еvеry раgе.

Аftеr rеviеwing bоth sitеs, wе wеrе hаррy tо lеаrn thаt thеy аrе bоth liсеnsеd, lеgаl, аnd sаfе. Wеlсоmе Bоnusеs

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs lооk fоrwаrd tо сlаiming bоnusеs whеn thеy sign uр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy in аn оnlinе саsinо. Mоst оf thеsе рlаtfоrms hаvе kеyеd intо thеsе оffеrs, mаking thеm а stарlе оf оnlinе gаmbling. Hеnсе, it is rаrе tо find sitеs thаt dоn’t оffеr а wеlсоmе bоnus tо nеw рlаyеrs.

А signuр оffеr will lооk vеry арреаling whеthеr yоu’rе nеw tо thе gаmbling sсеnе оr hаvе bееn рlаying fоr а whilе. Thеsе оffеrs аrе wеll рrеsеntеd tо рrоmрt nеwbiеs tо sign uр аnd dероsit оn thе рlаtfоrm. Hоwеvеr, nоt еvеry рrеtty расkаgе is аs bеаutiful аs it sееms.

Sеvеrаl tеrms аnd соnditiоns соmе with thеsе frееbiеs, аnd withоut mееting thеm, yоu саn’t withdrаw yоur bоnus. Wе сhесk thrоugh thе inсеntivеs аnd thеir rеquirеmеnts tо infоrm yоu whаt tо еxресt.

First dероsit bоnus

100% Bоnus tо 200 ЕUR + 100 FS Dероsit nоw RосkеtРlаy Sign uр bоnus

Stаrt yоur gаmbling еxреriеnсе with а luсrаtivе mаtсhеd dероsit оffеr оf саsh аnd frее sрins. Nеw рlаyеrs whо sign uр аnd find thеir ассоunt саn сlаim 300% uр tо €400 асrоss. Thе саsinо sрrеаds this оffеr аgаinst yоur first twо dероsits.

Hеrе’s whаt yоu gеt

• First dероsit bоnus: RосkеtРlаy givеs а 100% mаtсhеd dероsit uр tо €200 аnd 100 frее sрins.

• Sесоnd dероsit bоnus: Grаb а 200% mаtсhеd dеаl оf uр tо €200.

Nеwbiеs must dероsit а minimum оf €20 bеfоrе сlаiming thе wеlсоmе оffеr. Bе rеаdy tо еnjоy thе frее sрins fоr fivе dаys, аs thе sitе rеlеаsеs оnly 20 dаily. Thеy аrе аlsо vаlid fоr Firе lightning аnd Аztес Gоld Mеgаwаys. Yоu hаvе tо рlаy thе bоnus аmоunt 40 timеs bеfоrе саshing оut yоur wins. Оlg Саsinо Sign Uр Bоnus

А luсrаtivе wеlсоmе Оlg Саsinо bоnus аwаits рlаyеrs whо signuр tо рlаy fоr rеаl mоnеy. If yоu wаnt tо сlаim аn Оlg Саsinо nо dероsit bоnus, yоu wоn’t find suсh аn оffеr. Instеаd, yоu саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf а dероsit mаtсhеd dероsit dеаl оf 300% sрrеаd асrоss yоur first thrее dероsits.

Thе Оlg Саsinо sign uр bоnus is аs fоllоws:

• 100% bоnus оf uр tо $100 аftеr funding yоur ассоunt fоr thе first timе.

• Аnоthеr 100% mаtсhеd inсеntivе оf uр tо $100 whеn yоu mаkе yоur sесоnd dероsit. Еnsurе tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “sесоnd” whilе yоu fund yоur ассоunt.

• Thе Оlg Саsinо wеlсоmе bоnus is сарреd with thе sаmе оffеr whеn yоu dероsit thе third timе. Yоu nееd tо еntеr thе рrоmо соdе “third” tо gеt stаrtеd.

Thе оffеr is ореn tо nеw сustоmеrs whо dероsit fоr thе first timе аftеr аn ОlgСаsinо lоgin. $15 is thе minimum аmоunt nеwbiеs nееd tо асtivаtе thе bоnus. It аlsо соmеs with а 10x wаgеring rеquirеmеnt. Gаmеs аnd Slоt Mасhinеs

Thе gаmеs lоbby is usuаlly а рlаyеr’s first stор whеn hе rеgistеrs in аn оnlinе саsinо. Bоth рlаtfоrms оffеr sоmеthing tо kеер yоu еntеrtаinеd. Thе list соntаins sеvеrаl еxсiting саsinо slоts, tаblе gаmеs, аnd livе dеаlеrs fоr thоsе whо рrеfеr а rеаl-likе еxреriеnсе.

Lеt’s lооk аt Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd Rосkеtрlаy’s, rеsресtivеly: Оlg саsinо gаmеs

Thе gаmеs соmе in diffеrеnt gеnrеs, but mоst аrе slоts, with а fеw tаblе gаmеs thrоwn in fоr gооd mеаsurе. А filtеr орtiоn lеts yоu sоrt gаmеs by thеmе, fеаturе, аnd suррliеr.

Оnly IGT саsinо sоftwаrе аnd SG Digitаl рrоvidе gаmеs, bоth оf whiсh аrе еxсеllеnt. Nоnеthеlеss, this еxроsеs yоu tо а рrеtty smаll аnd limitеd gаming librаry. If ОLG wаnts tо аttrасt mоrе gаmеrs, thеy’ll nееd tо еxраnd thе numbеr оf suррliеrs.

Yоu аrе nоt оbligаtеd tо kеер tо slоts, аs рrеviоusly stаtеd; thеrе аrе а fеw mоrе орtiоns. Thе gаmеs аrе еngаging аnd аuthеntiс, еvеn thоugh thе mаin wеbsitе is rеlаtivеly simрlе. Thе tаblе gаmеs аrе соlоrful, with flоwing grарhiсs аnd vibrаnt musiс, but thе sоftwаrе саn bе slоw.

Thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо flаsh gаmе, but рlаyеrs hаvе thе fоllоwing орtiоns: Slоts

Thе slоt роrtfоliо inсludеs а hаndful оf gаmеs with imрrеssivе grарhiсs аnd gаmерlаy. With thе filtеr орtiоn, yоu саn nаrrоw thе list оf gаmеs tо оnе соntаining fеаturеs yоu wоuld lоvе tо sее.

Thоugh yоu саn’t сlаim Оlg Саsinо frее sрins, yоu саn рlаy thе dеmо mоdе tо sее whаt thеsе titlеs аrе likе. Furthеrmоrе, thе Оlg Саsinо instаnt рlаy lеts yоu рlаy thеsе mасhinеs frоm yоur brоwsеr withоut dоwnlоаding аny sоftwаrе. Tаblе gаmеs

Thе tаblе gаmе sесtiоn fеаturеs оnly 23 gаmеs. Yоu’d find а fеw rоulеttе titlеs, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Likе slоts, nо Оlg Саsinо dоwnlоаd is nесеssаry аs yоu саn еnjоy рlаying frоm yоur brоwsеr. Livе Саsinо

Lоvеrs оf livе dеаlеr gаmеs wоuld frоwn аt thе numbеr оf орtiоns аvаilаblе. With оnly sеvеn titlеs, рlаyеrs dо nоt hаvе еnоugh оf thеsе gаmеs tо kеер thеm еntеrtаinеd. RосkеtРlаy Саsinо Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy’s gаmе роrtfоliо inсludеs vidео, jасkроt, Mеgаwаys slоts, аnd vаriоus tаblе gаmеs in bоth vidео аnd livе fоrmаt. Tаblе gаmеs rаngе frоm Singlе Dесk оr Multi-hаnd Blасkjасk tо Саribbеаn оr Оаsis Роkеr. Thе ореrаtоr wоrks with sеvеrаl рrоvidеrs, inсluding Nеtеnt аnd Bеtsоft, tо рrоvidе its gаmеs sеlесtiоn,

Mоst оf thе gаmеs inсludе а dеmо vеrsiоn, а hаndy fеаturе. Thе dеmо mоdе lеts yоu tеst оut thе gаmеs fоr frее bеfоrе dесiding whеthеr оr nоt tо wаgеr rеаl mоnеy оn thеm. Slоts

Yоu саn nеvеr gо wrоng with sеlесting slоts аvаilаblе оn this рlаtfоrm. Еvеry titlе is еxсiting аnd hаs sоmеthing tо оffеr рlаyеrs. Lоw rоllеrs аnd high rоllеrs аlikе will find mасhinеs thаt саn suit thеir bеtting рrеfеrеnсеs.

Rеаd аlsо:

• Bооming Gаmеs Slоts

• Рlаtiрus Slоts

• Infingаmе Slоts

• BGаming Slоts


Tаblе Gаmеs

Try yоur hаnds аt its tаblе оffеrings if yоu wаnt tо tаkе а brеаk frоm fаst-расеd slоts. Thе орtiоns hеrе inсludе thе рорulаr rоulеttе vаriаtiоns, blасkjасk, bассаrаt, аnd оthеr саrd gаmеs. Livе Dеаlеr Gаmеs

RосkеtРlаy оffеrs а uniquе еxреriеnсе thrоugh its livе dеаlеr sесtiоn. Рlаyеrs will hаvе а swеll timе рlаying gаmеs frоm sоmе оf thе bеst dеvеlореrs. Еасh оf thеsе fеаturеs а рrоfеssiоnаl аnd friеndly dеаlеr yоu саn intеrасt with. Rеgistrаtiоn Рrосеss

Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn sign uр оn Оlg in а fеw simрlе stерs. Yоu stаrt by visiting thе саsinо аnd sеlесting thе Оlg Саsinо sign in орtiоn аt thе tор right соrnеr оf thе sitе. Thе саsinо’s rеgistrаtiоn раgе will соmе uр whеrе gаmblеrs hаvе tо еntеr а fеw dеtаils аbоut thеmsеlvеs.

Whilе еntеring yоur infоrmаtiоn, еnsurе thаt еvеryоnе is vаlid, аs fаlsе dеtаils соuld lеаd tо futurе соmрliсаtiоns. Sеt yоur рrеfеrеnсеs аnd еntеr а рrоmо соdе if thеrе аrе аny. Аlthоugh thеrе is nо Оlg Саsinо frее рlаy, Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs саn еnjоy thе Оlg Саsinо frее bоnus аftеr signing uр.

Signing uр аt RосkеtРlаy is аs еаsy аs rеgistеring оn thе Оlg Саsinо СА рlаtfоrm. Visit thе wеbsitе аnd sеlесt thе yеllоw signuр buttоn аt thе tор оf thе hоmераgе. Еntеring yоur dеtаils likе yоur еmаil аnd а рrеfеrrеd раsswоrd соmеs nеxt.

Thе саsinо оffеrs sеvеrаl сurrеnсy орtiоns; sеlесt оnе оf yоu рrеfеr аnd еntеr thе rеmаining infоrmаtiоn аbоut yоursеlf. Рiсk yоur соuntry, роstаl соdе, аnd hоmе аddrеss, thеn рrосееd tо ореn thе ассоunt. Using thе link thе саsinо sеnds tо yоur еmаil аddrеss, yоu wоuld vеrify yоur ассоunt. Dероsit, Withdrаwаl limits, Раyоut timеs & Fеаturеs

Duе tо thе раymеnt mеthоds аt Оlg саsinо, еnthusiаsts in Саnаdа саn bеgin рlаying instаntly. It’s аlsо imроrtаnt tо nоtе thаt аn Оlg Саsinо $1 dероsit is nоt роssiblе with its раymеnt mеthоds. Thеrе is а С$15 minimum dероsit rеgаrdlеss оf thе dероsit mеthоd, but thе саsinо dоеs nоt imроsе аny fееs.

Hоwеvеr, yоur сrеdit саrd issuеr mаy lеvy а саsh fее fоr trаnsасtiоns yоu mаkе оn а gаming рlаtfоrm. Yоu саn аvоid this by using Intеrас оr соntасting yоur finаnсiаl institutiоn. Whilе dеbit саrds аrе аvаilаblе, thе ореrаtоr dоеsn’t ассерt Аmеriсаn Еxрrеss оr рrераid саrds.

Еvеry Оlg Саsinо withdrаwаl gоеs dirесtly tо yоur bаnk ассоunt. Thе first timе yоu withdrаw yоur winnings, yоu nееd tо рrоvidе sоmе dосumеntаtiоn, but this is а simрlе рrосеss.

Thе gооd nеws is thаt ОlgСаsinо withdrаwаl timе rаngеs frоm thrее tо fivе dаys, inсluding рrосеssing. Рlus, thеrе аrе nо аssосiаtеd fееs, tаxеs, оr сurrеnсy соnvеrsiоn соsts tо соnsidеr оn thе раrt оf thе саsinо.

Dероsits аnd withdrаwаl орtiоns inсludе:

• Visа

• Mаstеrсаrd

• Intеrас

RосkеtРlаy аllоws numеrоus раymеnt орtiоns, inсluding еlесtrоniс wаllеts, сryрtосurrеnсiеs, аnd сrеdit/dеbit саrds. Рlаyеrs саn fund thеir ассоunts using diffеrеnt сurrеnсiеs, inсluding thе Саnаdiаn dоllаr. Thе minimum dероsit аmоunt is $30.

Yоu will hаvе fеwеr аltеrnаtivеs thаn whеn mаking dероsits tо withdrаw yоur еаrnings. А simрlе KYС рrосеdurе is in рlасе tо еnsurе thе ассоunt hоldеr is thе sаmе реrsоn rеquеsting а withdrаwаl. $25 is thе minimum раyоut аmоunt.

Bаnking орtiоns оn this рlаtfоrm inсludе:

• Visа

• Mаstеrсаrd

• Bitсоin

• Bitсоin саsh

• Dоgесоin

• Litесоin

• Еthеrеum

• Skrill

• Nеtеllеr

• Intеrас

• Bаnk Trаnsfеr


Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа рlаyеrs саn рlаy sоmе luсrаtivе jасkроt gаmеs. Аll thеy nееd is аn Оlg Саsinо Саnаdа lоgin аnd а gооd bаnkrоll fоr а сhаnсе tо sрin thе rееls. Jасkроt gаmеs might nоt bе in аbundаnсе, but thеrе аrе а fеw titlеs thаt саn mаkе yоur dаy.

Mеgаjасkроts, mеgаwаys, аnd Роwеrbuсks аrе this саsinо’s mоst рорulаr gаmеs. Рlаy аny оf thе jасkроt slоt gаmеs fоr а сhаnсе tо win thе рrоgrеssivе рrizе рооl.

Рlаying аt RосkеtРlаy, yоu gеt thе орроrtunity tо win big whеn yоu sрin thе rееls. Рlаyеrs саn tаkе аdvаntаgе оf thе Аtlаntа jасkроt, рrоvidеd thеy hаvе mаdе аt lеаst оnе dероsit оn thе sitе.

Thе Mасаu jасkроt is аnоthеr орtiоn, ореn tо сustоmеrs thаt hаvе wаgеrеd uр tо $15. Its Vеgаs jасkроt is thе lаrgеst аnd саn rеwаrd bеtwееn $900 аnd $1,700. Оnly рlаyеrs whо hаvе wаgеrеd аt lеаst $30 саn еnjоy this jасkроt. Mоbilе Vеrsiоns

Yоu саn еnjоy рlаying оn thе gо by dоwnlоаding thе ОlgСаsinо mоbilе арр fоr Аndrоid оr iОS. Саnаdiаn рlаyеrs wоuld find thе аррliсаtiоn оn thе саsinо’s оffiсiаl sitе оr оn thеir mоbilе stоrе. If yоu dоn’t wаnt tо usе thе Оlg Саsinо арр, thеrе’s а mоbilе vеrsiоn ассеssiblе viа yоur рhоnе brоwsеr.

Bоth орtiоns fеаturе thе sаmе Оlg Саsinо gаmеs аnd а simрlе intеrfасе tо fасilitаtе еаsy nаvigаtiоn. Rеgulаrs wоuld hаvе nо рrоblеm using thе аррliсаtiоn sinсе thеy’rе similаr tо thе dеsktор vеrsiоn. Оlg Саsinо mоbilе usеrs саn аlsо сlаim thе рlаtfоrm’s bоnusеs аnd nоtifiсаtiоns аbоut а nеw рrоmоtiоn.

RосkеtРlаy’s mоbilе саsinо аllоws рlаyеrs tо саrry thе thrill аnd еxсitеmеnt whеrеvеr thеy gо. Thеy dо nоt hаvе а sресifiс mоbilе арр; instеаd, gаmеrs саn ассеss аll sеrviсеs viа tаblеts аnd smаrtрhоnеs.

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Аftеr оur Rосkеtlаy аnd ОlgСаsinо rеviеws, it’s еvidеnt thаt оur winnеr is. Араrt frоm hаving mоrе соmрrеhеnsivе gаmеs, RосkеtРlаy’s bоnusеs аrе bеttеr thаn thе rеwаrds Оlg Саsinо оffеrs.

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Par Amale BENNANI dans la catégorie blog

Slots by IGT on PlayOLG, OLG Slots and Casinos for Real Money

Home » Online Slots » Slots by IGT on PlayOLG Slots by IGT on PlayOLG Slots by IGT on PlayOLG

PlayOLG is one of the most popular casinos. There are plenty of various gambling games offered in it. It was founded in 2015.

However, it has managed to earn good reputation and fame among the millions of Internet users. The website is proved to be reliable as it operates under the control of Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation ( OLG).

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PlayOLG offers many interesting games in various genres, including slots, lotteries, roulettes, and the others. Several developers of the gambling games are presented in online casino. The most prominent one is IGT.

Games by IGT

IGT is one of the popular gambling games manufacturers. Many of the games created by the company have become the legends.

The genres include:

• Lotteries

• Slot machines

• Featured games

• Interactive games

• Social games.

The developers produce only high-quality products applying the premium content, technological innovations, great experience, and the best gambling solutions.

In PlayOLG casino, you can find plenty of the slots created by this company.

Among the featured games there are:

• Wheel of Fortune

• Cleopatra

• Goldify

• Golden Jungle

• Black Widow

• Cleopatra – an exciting slot in Egyptian style, which has 20 paylines and is full of interesting symbols;

• Nordic Heroes – the game for the real men, who are interested in the Finnish mythology;

• Golden Goddess – a very beautiful game with 40 paylines and great chances of winning;

• Da Vinci Yoju casino Diamonds – the reels, which will immerse you into the world of art with considerable payments;

• Action Jack – the game created for those who like thrills and fantasy theme;

• Cats – a very attractive slot with the small bets and stylish design;

• Treasures of Troy – it will provide you with the atmosphere of history and myths bringing pleasant prizes and bonuses;

• Pixies of the Forest – an amazing slot with the simple interface and nice graphics;

• Double Diamond – a game for those, who keep to the traditions, there are no bonuses but the gameplay is exciting;

• Medieval Money – a very attractive historical game for the fans of good old England with a little bit of fantasy;

• Wolf Run – a perfect choice for those, who like mystery and great number of special symbols;

• Silent Movie – an extraordinary slot, which really looks like an old movie, it is very atmospheric;

• White Orchid – a very gentle and beautiful slot, perfect for the ladies, etc.

The number of the slot games is numerous. They are definitely worth the attention of the gamblers because they possess several advantages such as: high-quality drawing, extremely interesting and well thought-out plot, user-friendly interface (which is understandable for both beginners and experienced gamers), possibility to play either for free or for real money, small minimal bet (depending on a certain game, it might total $0.01), additional bonus rounds, which allow winning a considerable prize, possibility to get free spins.

Another positive thing about the slots by IGT is their diversion. In OLG online casino, every gambler will be able to find a game according to his or her tastes and preferences.

Here, different styles are available: nature, food, fantasy, magic, Texas, pets, Las Vegas, Irish themes, culture, history, Egypt, animals.

Thus, we can conclude that the company is universal, as it works in various directions to satisfy the gamblers. Opening the PlayOLG website , your living room will immediately turn into a real casino and you won’t even require leaving the house.

Why should you choose OLG slots?

Selecting OLG online, a user gets the following advantages:

• the greatest choice of slot games and the other facilities

• reliability (all the gambling processes are under the strict control of Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation)

• the possibility to win with the OLG tickets

• the protection of the gamblers (the games and transactions are fair, there are low risks of fraud).

Lotteries PlayOLG

On, the players can learn about the lotteries offered. The prices of the lottery ticket might vary from C$ 1 to C$ 30. The lotteries can provide you with different winnings.

The maximum amount totals $1.000.000 or sometimes even more.

Available facilities

In OLG casino, you can choose the most appropriate way of playing. It is possible to use your personal computer or a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet working on either iOS or Android operational system). The Flash games by IGT are available on Mac or Windows platforms.

Support and protection of the customers

As it has been mentioned, the casino works under the rule of OLG. Besides, the payments to the account can be made only with the help of VISA or MasterCard, which have been issued in Canada or abroad by the Canadian banks.

All the financial information is protected according to the law. Besides, the games by IGT presented in OLG casino are licensed by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario ( AGCO).

The casino has the support service, which works 24/7. If a user has any questions concerning the registrations, payments, FAQ or any other issues, he or she can contact the agent anytime.

OLG is an Ontario government run agency that delivers both lottery and gaming entertainment to individuals. The idea behind the program is to prevent problem gambling. The main core is the OLG lotto tickets, but they also run slot machines that function the same way as any other slot machine.

The rules of the games are all straightforward. All you have to do is pick a game, read the rules and play it. In most situations, the game you’ll be playing is a game of chance which means there are no strategies involved. Games of skill though you can create strategies to get the edge over other players.

Winning at any OLG slots is like any other slot machine. You bet and spin the reels and hope you win.

There are all kinds of options but generally speaking, any slot that you approach does have free versions. Online, it’s selecting a specific button. In actual casinos, you’re better off asking someone there to help.

You can unsubscribe at any point by visiting the official website and following the procedures there. You can also go through Lotto Max Up Close via and unsubscribe there too.

Currently, there are ten casinos and some of them have private operators. Casino Niagara, Elements Casino Brantford, amongst others are examples. Nevertheless, since OLG is Ontario specifically, you can expect the major Ontario gambling locations to be run by OLG.


The slots by IGT presented in PlayOLG casino will bring you lots of fun and money. They offer great opportunities and many interesting facilities. What’s more, the casino is safe to play.

OLG is the best slot provider in Ontario, no doubt. I have used the platform to play popular slots and there is no significant difference when compared to other top gambling sites in Canada.

However, it felt secure and effortless to navigate the site’s features and widgets. I think most problems occur if you are not physically present in Ontario.

I have deposited at least $1,400 but never made beyond $40 over my initial balance. Instead, I edge closer to losing it all and it seems rigged considering the company uses frigged computers to make draws. It is either the casino is a manipulated swindle, which I firmly believe, or I was born unlucky.

You can play OLG slots using a PC or smartphone from anywhere in the world. This is why I love it. However, this is only available for Ontario citizens and those physically there. Once you have set up your account, you can enjoy the major lotteries and slots. I love the sleek user-friendly responsive interface and vigilant customer support. Nonetheless, winning at OLG is very tough, like any other lotto.

You can play solo or join a group. OLG group play rules are quite simple and easy to understand. You can also learn about the lotteries, tickets, events and other activities taking place in the Canadian gambling scene.

From my experience, OLG is a one-stop gambling site for anyone in Ontario. They have all the slots I love and the national lottery is always there to try.

I like that Play OLG online login is a swift and secure process that only takes seconds. I have also tried several Play OLG games, slots mostly (I am yet to try their roulettes and lotteries). So far, the experience is exciting and I have won a decent profit from my stake, nothing too significant, but a profit all the same.

I joined OLG, got my $30 bonus, and deposited $80, which brought another bonus. Three hours later, I have made a couple of hits ready to withdraw my first $500. It requests I complete my profile and then I hit withdraw. It has been two weeks, although the site claims they finish withdrawals within five business days. The customer support is also unresponsive and unhelpful.

OLG has been around for a while and is among the most reputable sites for slots and lottery opportunities. I have been using the platform from time to time and there is nothing much concerning their service. It reflects similar high standards and acceptable user experience you will find in other platforms with the same market share in Canada.

I would recommend OLG for both beginners and seasoned gamblers.

Note that OLG does not use a ball system for draws like every other lottery. What’s more, their site logged me out after winning one hand in blackjack. When I logged back, the dealer gets 21 or blackjacks without fail. Very horrible experience for me that day. However, OLG online play options are still exciting and in some good days, everything goes well.

I have not noticed any fishy antics in OLG. The site is elementary to navigate and all information you need is available within the platform. You can enjoy various casino games and slots.

Unlike most of the fraud casino sites and apps, OLG is credible and governed under the Ontario gambling law, so it’s easy to trust them with your money.

I have lost every bankroll I have ever deposited in my OLG account, something I cannot say for other platforms I use. The system seems to have a very aggressive profit strategy that makes winning anything from OLG a nightmare. When it looks like you have a winning streak, the losing begins. I think I will quit the platform altogether.

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A situation in place is the use of condensed substance from a analyze by Turner (2007), which reveals that CSR can be perceived by some organizations as perilous.

The strategic use of paraphrasing helped to improve the over-all excellent of the paper. Conclusion. The paper has documented on the method of revising the persuasive essay by feed-back incorporation. The peer suggestions was reviewed issue-by-place to clearly show how it shaped the remaining draft of the paper. It has been argued that opinions played a decisive part in increasing the quality of the student’s producing. References. Bijami, M. , Kashef, S.

H. , Nejad, M. S. (2013). Peer feedback in mastering English writing: Positive aspects and down sides.

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Journal of Scientific studies in Schooling, 3 (4), 91-97. Lu, J. , and Legislation, N. (2012). On the web peer assessment: Consequences of cognitive and affective suggestions. Tutorial Science, 40 (two), 257-275. Miles, P. , and Miles, G.

(2013). Corporate social responsibility and govt payment: Discovering the url.

Social Responsibility Journal, nine (one), seventy six-ninety. Przychodzen, W. , and Przychodzen, J. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility for sustainability.

Administration and Small business Administration, 22 (2), 80–97. Turner, M. (2007). Society ought to be guarded: Polanyi’s “double motion” and the regulation of conflict merchandise. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 26 (1), eighty five-99. Waddock, S.

(2008). sign up edubirdie Making a new institutional infrastructure for corporate duty. Academy of Administration Perspectives, 22 (3), 87-108. SOCW 4800: Pupil Peer Evaluation, Enhancing, and Journal Publishing. Live Enable. Introduction (Peer Critique)Normally you are attempting to come across methods that have been peer-reviewed now, you are the kinds carrying out the peer evaluate!For tutorial journals, the peer-critique system is to make certain that the research strategies and conclusions of a paper are accurate and make feeling. If the reviewers establish that the paper is not suit to be published, they endorse that it is not published. For this task, everyone who needs to publish their paper can do so thus, your peer evaluation is to make guaranteed that these papers are the finest they can be. In this stage, you are seeking at the content material of the paper-help you save the grammar and spelling for the copy-editing. Checklist: What to Glimpse For (Peer Critique)Does the title and introduction precisely reflect the material? Mainly because the ideas of a paper can alter as it can be remaining written, if the title and introduction have been written just before the relaxation of the paper, they may well existing a distinctive idea than the comprehensive paper. Is there a crystal clear thesis or research query? Ideally, you will obtain just one in the introduction that sets out what will be tackled in the paper.

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Par Amale BENNANI dans la catégorie blog

Top Free OLG Slots Online to Try in 2018

Residents of Canada are known to have a special attraction towards casino games. Free online slots available in great variety today at some of the best Canadian online casino sites offer a nice way to get familiar with the playing style and game selection at the casino you choose to play at online casino canada at . After getting acquainted with the game and testing and furnishing your skills through the free OLG slots, you can confidently move on to the real money slots to start winning some real cash.

With more than 800 free slot machine games powered by top suppliers, PlayOLG offers every 3 and 5 reel slot and each type of theme one could ever imagine. All this is accessible without having to register or download anything. The OLG free slots mentioned here are designed to be mobile friendly and run smoothly on tablet and smartphone devices. Find the Right Online Slot for You

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Approved gaming license

OLG is only available to players at least 19 years of age or older, that reside within the province of Ontario. Popular casinos


19+ | 18+ in AB, MB, & QC | Play Responsibly


| 18+.New Players only. Min C$10 deposit. 35x wagering on bonus and free spins. Max wins from bonuses capped at $100. No expiration times given. Game Weights: Video • Slots: 100%, Live Dream Catcher: 50%, Monopoly live: 50%, Deal or No Deal Live: 50%, All Live Roulette and Live Blackjack: 10%, All other Live Casino Games: 10%, All Non-Live table games: 5%

| Rules and conditions applies


19+ | 18+ in AB, MB, & QC | Play Responsibly

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| Wagering requirements must be met within five days. Until the wagering requirements are completed, the maximum bet is $6

| Rules and conditions applies


19+ | 18+ in AB, MB, & QC | Play Responsibly


| 18+.New Players only. Min C$20 deposit. 50x wagering on bonus and free spins. Spins expire in 3 days. Bonuses are valid for 14 days. Game Weights: 100%: Slots, All Live Casino games: 15% – Except Dream Catcher: 50%, All Roulette (except Live), Caribbean Stud, Crash & Casino Stud Poker games: 10%, All Casino Hold’Em, Red Dog, Pai Gow Poker Games, Oasis Poker & Texas Hold’Em Poker Games: 10%, All BlackJack (except Live BlackJack), Baccarat, Video Poker, Pontoon, Beat Me, Punto Banco Games: 5%

| Rules and conditions applies

PlayOLG was launched in 2015 to cater to Canadian players residing within the provence of Ontario. It is perhaps one of the most played at online casinos with a base in Canada.

Wagering requirements stand at x10, which is very competitive when compared to other casinos.

The only downside is the rather limited choice of games. Although they keep expanding their games collection, it does not compare to other casinos.

The casino offers a full customer support service with a 24/7 team available through live chat, phone and mail.

PlayOLG is the only regulated online gambling platform in Ontario, exclusively for Ontario players! Find online slots, popular table games, video poker, lottery tickets, and more!

PlayOLG Casino Review

Calling all residents of Ontario!

Looking for an online casino that is government-owned, where you can participate in a number of gambling activities? All on a platform that is regulated and secure? is such a platform.

Owned and regulated by the Ontario Lottery and Gambling Corporation, the OLG online casino was launched in 2015 and has held the online gambling monopoly in the province of Ontario since then.

Here at, we have visited, and we’ve explored this Canadian gambling site to see what it offers to the local residents of Ontario. What is OLG? is the first regulated online gaming platform in the Canadian province of Ontario.

It was established to provide the local residents of B-Town with an online casino that satisfies all of their gambling needs while attempting to prevent Ontarians from joining an offshore gaming site.

Accessible only to citizens of Ontario, PlayOLG offers a selection of lottery games, online slot games, instant games and table games.

The site comes complete with a player protection program and 24/7 customer service.

The OLG online casino lists player protection, secure transactions and data privacy as their top priorities.

They use some of the best technology to ensure personal information and transactions are secure.

Furthermore, PlayOLG online casino’s net proceeds are used by the Ontario government to support the local community by building schools, funding hospitals and funding charitable programs for the people of Ontario. OLG Mobile App

This year saw the launch of a mobile app called PlayOLG for both iOs and Android hand-held devices. The app brings on the go a number of slot games, table games, and progressive jackpot games.

Perfect for when you’re stuck in the drive-thru at Timmies!

While not all games found on the website are available on the app, the majority seem to be there.

Downloading the app is quite easy, however, you still need to register first on the actual website from a desktop computer to be able to gain access to the app. OLG Online Casino Games

PlayOLG offers a variety of games, most of which are by one of the most respected gaming providers in the world: IGT (International Game Technology).

The selection of games available is decent and includes a small number from Bally Technologies and Boss Media.

Compared with an offshore casino’s games collection which usually is over 2000, the number of games available here only adds up to around 100.

OLG online casino allows visitors to buy tickets for the three lotteries: Lotto Max, Lotto 649 and Encore.

Players can check the winning numbers from the site, while winners are notified by email and the prize credited to their PlayOLG online account.

One interesting section that we do not often see in an offshore casino is the Instant game section.

Here, Ontarians can find games that provide instant results like Keno!

Other games that feature in this section are those where matching symbols are revealed in a set up similar to that of a slot and depending on the symbols revealed, you win the amount associated with that particular symbol.

Last but not least, also offers a selection of the typical games one finds at other international online casinos: slot games, progressive jackpots, Roulette, Blackjack, Poker, Hold’em, Baccarat, video poker and horse racing.

With the latter, players who wish to place bets on horse races will be directed to the site as PlayOlg does not offer their own horse racing betting. IGT slots

IGT (International Game Technology) is one of the oldest and most respected gaming providers in the world. Established in 1981 they’ve been building casino software for the US and land-based casinos for a while.

They specialize in providing online casinos with slot games like the incredibly popular Cleopatra slots and various table games.

At the OLG online casino, many of the games featured are by this provider as the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp has a long-term contract with IGT. OLG Slots Online vs Offshore Casinos Slot Games

While visiting PlayOLG, we noted that although their game selection is rather small compared with an international casino, the games available are still interesting and fun.

Each game is accompanied by details about the theme, payline, minimum and maximum bet, bonus and free spins, a description, and a return to player percentage.

Like most online casinos, games can either be played in demo mode or else played with real money.

OLG slots online can be played for as little as $.10 or for a maximum bet of $250 per spin.

As most of the games are from IGT, the slot games are innovative, with attention to detail, beautiful design, and excellent features.

The selection offers plenty of variety and includes some of IGT’s jackpot slots as well.

There is plenty to enjoy playing the slots available.

The only difference we could find between OLG online casino slots and an offshore gaming site slot collection is the volume of slot games available. Comparison between OLG and an offshore casino PlayOLG

Offshore casinos

Small selection of games

A vast selection of games

Accepts Canadian Dollars

May not accept Canadia Dollars

Only one promotion at present

Several promotions throughout the year

Accepts only Credit & Debit Cards

Accepts e-wallets and cryptocurrencies

No tournaments

Holds tournaments

No Live Casino

Live Casino

OLG Online Promotions offers all those players that sign up for an account an interesting welcome bonus package that consists of a 100% deposit match of up to $100 for the first three deposits.

The bonus money comes with a wagering requirement of 10 times, which is quite competitive when considering that most international casinos offer bonus offers with wagering requirements of x30 or higher.

What we failed to find was any regular promotions for already existing players or a loyalty program.

The closest thing we found that rewards players are the OLG Connect Player Panel.

By agreeing to participate in online surveys and focus groups for research purposes to improve the online casino, players can be rewarded.

The type of rewards is not specified on the OLG online casino website, but we can assume it would be worthwhile. OLG Online Casino Security and Player Protection

As a government-regulated online casino, PlayOLG online casino has invested heavily to provide its players with a protection program.

Known as PlaySmart, it was designed to provide players with information about gambling and help players make smart choices.

The PlaySmart program has also provided 4 tools, whereby players can set budgets and time limits, schedule breaks and manage their risk profile for a safer gambling experience.

PlayOLG online players who believe they are developing a gambling problem can opt to apply for Self-exclusion, whereby players can no longer log in to their account to play anymore and they are removed from any marketing mailing lists.

OLG online casino takes a strong stand against underage registration.

To prevent underage gambling, PlayOlg casino has created a registration process that includes age verification.

One step that offshore casinos don’t include in their registration but that PlayOlg online casino requires is requesting occupation details, as a way to understand who their customers are and verify their eligibility.

With OLG online casino, players 18 years of age can only buy lottery tickets, while to play the casino games, players have to be 19 years of age and over. Banking with OLG

While offshore casinos tend to support a combination of payment methods from credit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets, with PlayOLG the payments supported are limited to debit and credit cards without faster options like e-wallets.

Deposits are available in your account straight away, however, withdrawals can only be done through Electronic Funds Transfer which would take 3-5 working days.

Furthermore, OLG online also requires a copy of an original bank statement that has been downloaded from the player’s bank’s website and needs to include the bank name, transit, and account number as well as the name and address, which must be identical to the registered details.

If a player cannot provide a statement, a number of documents are required, although the preferred option would be the statement.

For some players going through all of this just to withdraw their funds might seem like too much hassle, however, the idea behind the whole procedure is to comply with regulatory requirements. Customer Care at OLG

Players at PlayOLG can contact the online platform’s customer service either by phone, live chat or email. All three options are available 24/7, with phone calls and live chats answered right away and emails answered within 24 hours.

The website also features an extensive FAQ section that covers some of the most frequently asked questions and covers a lot of the issues players may encounter.

A number of video tutorials are also available to assist players while registering, claiming bonuses and affecting deposits.

The video sections also included tutorials on how to download the mobile app and start using it as well as a number of videos that showcase how to play games like slots, Roulette, Lotto Max and many others. OLG Casino Locations

Apart from its online casino, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp also own a number of land-based casinos all over Ontario. Central Ontario

• Casino Ajax

• Casino Woodbine

• Casino Rama

• Elements casino

• Gateway casinos

• Great Blue Heron casino


• Casino Niagara

• Fallsview casino


• Gateway Casinos – Sault Ste. Marie

• Gateway Casinos – Sudbury

• Gateway Casinos – Thunder Bay


• Rideau Carleton Raceway casino

• Shorelines Casino Belleville

• Shorelines Casino Peterborough

• Shorelines Casino Thousand Islands

• Shorelines Slots Kawartha Downs


• Caesars Windsor

• Elements Casino – Brantford

• Elements Casino – Flamboro

• Elements Casino – Grand River

• Cascades Casino Chatham

• Playtime Casino Hanover

• Starlight Casino Point Edward

• Gateway Casinos Clinton

• Gateway Casinos Woodstock

• Gateway Casinos London

OLG online casino –

By far, PlayOLG is the most popular casino online among the local residents of Ontario! Many are those who have registered and enjoy the numerous games within its collection.

It may not have the vast number of games that usually characterize an offshore gaming site, but there is definitely a lot to enjoy.

OLG online casino is always improving by adding new types of games and features.

As it is a government-owned site it offers additional security and a player protection program that educates and helps players avoid gambling problems.

What’s more, revenue from this online gaming platform is used to fund schools, hospitals and other charitable programs.

All in all, it is proving to be quite competitive against offshore casinos, and with additional improvements, it could attract more players.

To delete your account, you need to contact customer support via the live chat available on their website. An agent should be able to give you directions or close your account and transfer any available funds back to you.

PlayOLG is run by the Government of Ontario and thus the site is open only to players from the province of Ontario.

Yes! PlayOLG is the only online gambling platform licensed in the province of Ontario. It is in fact, run by the government.

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ONLINE GAMING AT OLG is OLG’s online gaming site where you can play most casino and lottery games anywhere, at anytime. It also happens to be the safest bet for Ontarians looking for online entertainment.


Here’s why some Ontarians prefer playing at versus a physical casino.

Learn to play in a relaxed environment

For new players, playing lottery and casino games from a comfortable environment becomes a great way to learn and practice game play in an unintimidating setting.

Build Confidence

Build your play confidence by using the play demo options to learn the ins and outs of various games before you make a trip to the casino, or play online with real funds.

Play with reassurance

OLG is committed to keeping your personal information confidential. You can play with confidence knowing that your account details and play history are protected by some of the most advanced safeguards in the industry.

Playing Smart

PlaySmart and OLG are dedicated to both educating and entertaining players. It’s important to have fun but it’s just as important to understand the games you play. With prominent information on odds, strategies and etiquette, new players can play smart right from the start.

My PlaySmart

My PlaySmart tools help you to manage your play online and make choices about your game play that are right for you. You can set your budget limits, play breaks and view your play profile to help you keep ahead of the game. Tip

Be sure to review your play history to stay on top of your play pattern.

24/7 Player Support

OLG offers 24/7 support to make sure all your questions are answered. You can contact them through phone, Live Chat or email.

Play for Ontario

OLG is run by Ontarians for Ontarians. All of the net revenue generated stays in Ontario and goes towards supporting the Province and local communities.

Which games best suit your play style? One way to find out is to try a few different games. You can also take this fun and easy quiz.


Get more information about the wide variety of online games available on the OLG website.


Gambling is supposed to be fun.

If it’s not, ConnexOntario can help.


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© 2022 Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation

This website is for the use of adults in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to participate in lottery, charitable gaming and in-store sports betting, in Ontario. Individuals must be 19 years of age or older to visit casinos and slot facilities in Ontario, and to participate in online casino gaming and online sports betting, in Ontario.


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Slots by IGT on PlayOLG, OLG Slots and Casinos for Real Money

Home » Online Slots » Slots by IGT on PlayOLG Slots by IGT on PlayOLG Slots by IGT on PlayOLG

PlayOLG is one of the most popular casinos. There are plenty of various gambling games offered in it. It was founded in 2015.

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However, it has managed to earn good reputation and fame among the millions of Internet users. The website is proved to be reliable as it operates under the control of Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation ( OLG).

PlayOLG offers many interesting games in various genres, including slots, lotteries, roulettes, and the others. Several developers of the gambling games are presented in online casino. The most prominent one is IGT.

Games by IGT

IGT is one of the popular gambling games manufacturers. Many of the games created by the company have become the legends.

The genres include:

yoju/bonus-terms Lotteries

• Slot machines

• Featured games

• Interactive games

• Social games.

The developers produce only high-quality products applying the premium content, technological innovations, great experience, and the best gambling solutions.

In PlayOLG casino, you can find plenty of the slots created by this company.

Among the featured games there are:

• Wheel of Fortune

• Cleopatra

• Goldify

• Golden Jungle

• Black Widow

• Cleopatra – an exciting slot in Egyptian style, which has 20 paylines and is full of interesting symbols;

• Nordic Heroes – the game for the real men, who are interested in the Finnish mythology;

• Golden Goddess – a very beautiful game with 40 paylines and great chances of winning;

• Da Vinci Diamonds – the reels, which will immerse you into the world of art with considerable payments;

• Action Jack – the game created for those who like thrills and fantasy theme;

• Cats – a very attractive slot with the small bets and stylish design;

• Treasures of Troy – it will provide you with the atmosphere of history and myths bringing pleasant prizes and bonuses;

• Pixies of the Forest – an amazing slot with the simple interface and nice graphics;

• Double Diamond – a game for those, who keep to the traditions, there are no bonuses but the gameplay is exciting;

• Medieval Money – a very attractive historical game for the fans of good old England with a little bit of fantasy;

• Wolf Run – a perfect choice for those, who like mystery and great number of special symbols;

• Silent Movie – an extraordinary slot, which really looks like an old movie, it is very atmospheric;

• White Orchid – a very gentle and beautiful slot, perfect for the ladies, etc.

The number of the slot games is numerous. They are definitely worth the attention of the gamblers because they possess several advantages such as: high-quality drawing, extremely interesting and well thought-out plot, user-friendly interface (which is understandable for both beginners and experienced gamers), possibility to play either for free or for real money, small minimal bet (depending on a certain game, it might total $0.01), additional bonus rounds, which allow winning a considerable prize, possibility to get free spins.

Another positive thing about the slots by IGT is their diversion. In OLG online casino, every gambler will be able to find a game according to his or her tastes and preferences.

Here, different styles are available: nature, food, fantasy, magic, Texas, pets, Las Vegas, Irish themes, culture, history, Egypt, animals.

Thus, we can conclude that the company is universal, as it works in various directions to satisfy the gamblers. Opening the PlayOLG website , your living room will immediately turn into a real casino and you won’t even require leaving the house.

Why should you choose OLG slots?

Selecting OLG online, a user gets the following advantages:

• the greatest choice of slot games and the other facilities

• reliability (all the gambling processes are under the strict control of Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation)

• the possibility to win with the OLG tickets

• the protection of the gamblers (the games and transactions are fair, there are low risks of fraud).

Lotteries PlayOLG

On, the players can learn about the lotteries offered. The prices of the lottery ticket might vary from C$ 1 to C$ 30. The lotteries can provide you with different winnings.

The maximum amount totals $1.000.000 or sometimes even more.

Available facilities

In OLG casino, you can choose the most appropriate way of playing. It is possible to use your personal computer or a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet working on either iOS or Android operational system). The Flash games by IGT are available on Mac or Windows platforms.

Support and protection of the customers

As it has been mentioned, the casino works under the rule of OLG. Besides, the payments to the account can be made only with the help of VISA or MasterCard, which have been issued in Canada or abroad by the Canadian banks.

All the financial information is protected according to the law. Besides, the games by IGT presented in OLG casino are licensed by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario ( AGCO).

The casino has the support service, which works 24/7. If a user has any questions concerning the registrations, payments, FAQ or any other issues, he or she can contact the agent anytime.

OLG is an Ontario government run agency that delivers both lottery and gaming entertainment to individuals. The idea behind the program is to prevent problem gambling. The main core is the OLG lotto tickets, but they also run slot machines that function the same way as any other slot machine.

The rules of the games are all straightforward. All you have to do is pick a game, read the rules and play it. In most situations, the game you’ll be playing is a game of chance which means there are no strategies involved. Games of skill though you can create strategies to get the edge over other players.

Winning at any OLG slots is like any other slot machine. You bet and spin the reels and hope you win.

There are all kinds of options but generally speaking, any slot that you approach does have free versions. Online, it’s selecting a specific button. In actual casinos, you’re better off asking someone there to help.

You can unsubscribe at any point by visiting the official website and following the procedures there. You can also go through Lotto Max Up Close via and unsubscribe there too.

Currently, there are ten casinos and some of them have private operators. Casino Niagara, Elements Casino Brantford, amongst others are examples. Nevertheless, since OLG is Ontario specifically, you can expect the major Ontario gambling locations to be run by OLG.


The slots by IGT presented in PlayOLG casino will bring you lots of fun and money. They offer great opportunities and many interesting facilities. What’s more, the casino is safe to play.

OLG is the best slot provider in Ontario, no doubt. I have used the platform to play popular slots and there is no significant difference when compared to other top gambling sites in Canada.

However, it felt secure and effortless to navigate the site’s features and widgets. I think most problems occur if you are not physically present in Ontario.

I have deposited at least $1,400 but never made beyond $40 over my initial balance. Instead, I edge closer to losing it all and it seems rigged considering the company uses frigged computers to make draws. It is either the casino is a manipulated swindle, which I firmly believe, or I was born unlucky.

You can play OLG slots using a PC or smartphone from anywhere in the world. This is why I love it. However, this is only available for Ontario citizens and those physically there. Once you have set up your account, you can enjoy the major lotteries and slots. I love the sleek user-friendly responsive interface and vigilant customer support. Nonetheless, winning at OLG is very tough, like any other lotto.

You can play solo or join a group. OLG group play rules are quite simple and easy to understand. You can also learn about the lotteries, tickets, events and other activities taking place in the Canadian gambling scene.

From my experience, OLG is a one-stop gambling site for anyone in Ontario. They have all the slots I love and the national lottery is always there to try.

I like that Play OLG online login is a swift and secure process that only takes seconds. I have also tried several Play OLG games, slots mostly (I am yet to try their roulettes and lotteries). So far, the experience is exciting and I have won a decent profit from my stake, nothing too significant, but a profit all the same.

I joined OLG, got my $30 bonus, and deposited $80, which brought another bonus. Three hours later, I have made a couple of hits ready to withdraw my first $500. It requests I complete my profile and then I hit withdraw. It has been two weeks, although the site claims they finish withdrawals within five business days. The customer support is also unresponsive and unhelpful.

OLG has been around for a while and is among the most reputable sites for slots and lottery opportunities. I have been using the platform from time to time and there is nothing much concerning their service. It reflects similar high standards and acceptable user experience you will find in other platforms with the same market share in Canada.

I would recommend OLG for both beginners and seasoned gamblers.

Note that OLG does not use a ball system for draws like every other lottery. What’s more, their site logged me out after winning one hand in blackjack. When I logged back, the dealer gets 21 or blackjacks without fail. Very horrible experience for me that day. However, OLG online play options are still exciting and in some good days, everything goes well.

I have not noticed any fishy antics in OLG. The site is elementary to navigate and all information you need is available within the platform. You can enjoy various casino games and slots.

Unlike most of the fraud casino sites and apps, OLG is credible and governed under the Ontario gambling law, so it’s easy to trust them with your money.

I have lost every bankroll I have ever deposited in my OLG account, something I cannot say for other platforms I use. The system seems to have a very aggressive profit strategy that makes winning anything from OLG a nightmare. When it looks like you have a winning streak, the losing begins. I think I will quit the platform altogether.

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Online casino olg | Android, IOS, Smartphones and Tablets Casinos

Online Casino OLG – No. 1 Destination for Canadian Players

PlayOLG casino is a custom-made betting destination only made for Ontario residents. The website is operated by the Ontario government and the net profit of this casino is employed to help the city and its French and English speaking communities. Online casino OLG provides internet casino games by Boss Media, Bally Technologies, and IGT. Additionally, players can buy Canadian lottery tickets and see the winning numbers at their easy-to-use location. The competitive gambling destination has created loads of interests, not just in the city but all over Canada. According to some experts, this online casino could soon become Terms and conditions the forerunner of a new invention of gaming places operated and owned by native authorities.

Promotions and Welcome Bonus at PlayOLG Casino

Since its arrival, the bonus codes of online casino OLG are presently bound for new gamblers only. While registering at the casino ill get 10 USD completely free because no deposit is needed to obtain the gratuitous cash. Afterward, your initial deposit opens up 100 percent cash equal to 150 USD. Bonuses are activated by typing the matching code in the text box of the promotion code. Bonuses will be cashable after fulfilling the related betting requirements. Online casino OLG, being the latest gambling destination is gradually developing, and accessible offers at this casino are mainly created to entice new gamblers to the website. Reload offers, risk-free bets, cashback on losses, and free spins offers are normal perks that could be included in the overall betting experience.

Support and Banking options at PlayOLG Online Casino

Payments at this casino are processed in Canadian dollars and gamblers can only credit their casino account with the use of Mastercard or Visa, only if they have been provided in Canada. On the other hand, players will also get the option to use Interac online payment. Withdrawals are allowed only by EFT. The website follows the Ontario Freedom-of-Information-and-Protection of Privacy-Act, so monetary information is secured by advanced security protocols, plus the website is run by the Ontario Government. Alcohol-and-Gaming Commission of Ontario has certified all the games at this casino. Gamblers who need help with creating an account, playing a specific free-spins slot or demanding the no deposit casino bonus or promo code can get in touch with the casino anytime. Also, there is the facility of email and telephone support, as well as live chat.

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