
Is Freja a fashionista?

Par DESTOMBE Céline dans la catégorie Actions des années antérieures CE

Mots clés:

Are you interested in fashion trends ?
Yes, I am particularly interested in the current trend of sustainable fashion. I also like to see how fashion trends progress and what this can tell us about society, for example now that there is a movement to reduce fast fashion, vintage fashion is more popular.

What is your favourite style ?
I love vintage clothes. I like to wear clothes that are inspired by the 60s and 70s, but I think that 50s style fashion is beautiful and elegant. I especially like to wear 50s dresses on special occasions

What is your favourite brand ?
I don’t really have a particular brand that I like the most, however I do like Jaeger because it is very elegant (but far too expensive for me !)

Do you ever read fashion magazines ?

No, I don’t read them very often, I mostly get my fashion inspiration from people I meet or through Instagram.

Do you prefer French or English fashion ?
At the moment I don’t see very striking differences between the two styles. Although traditionally France is meant to have much better fashion sense. I think maybe I prefer French fashion because it seems more daring.

Who is your favourite fashion designer ?
I don’t know any designers by name, though I do support designers who are trying to reduce their carbon footprint through using recycled materials.

Do you like Gothic style ?
I like it because it is different to mainstream fashion and so it seems very brave, however I prefer more colourful styles of clothing.

How important is image to you ?
Image is more important to me that I would like it to be, this annoys me because it often is caused by what I think other people think of me.

What colours do you like wearing ?
My favourite colour is yellow, so I try to wear that as much as possible. I tend to go for brighter colours as I find dark, monotone outfits a bit bland and boring.

Was there a dress code at your school ?
Yes, I had to wear a marron kilt with a stripy shirt (white and marron) and a blazer. It was horrible and I hated it ! Even in sixth form I had to wear a navy suit with a white shirt and red jumper, I really hated it. It was so uncomfortable !

Where do you buy your clothes ?
This year I am trying not to buy any new clothes that contribute to the fast fashion industry. This means I buy all my clothes second hand from vintage sales or charity shops.